2024-04-23 - Daily Updates from Hive Witness @sagarkothari88

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello Hive Community Members,

    Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 - a Hive Witness & mobile-app-developer.

    Actively contributing to following projects on Hive

    Updates on Distrion App

    • ✅ Bug fixed - Stop showing loading indicator & go back after success publish.
    • ✅ Improvement - Add @v4v.app's POS invoice details in JSON Metadata of a post
    • ✅ Complete - App now works with @HiveKeychain very well for login, payment & publish a post.
    • ✅ Complete - App now works with @hiveauth for login, payment & publish a post.
    • ⏳ New Backend for Distrion App - https://github.com/spknetwork/distrion-backend
    • Today, I've started working on new backend for Distrion App.
    • This backend will serve all businesses which accepts HBD/Hive payments.
    • This backend will also take care of transferring liquid HBD rewards to the users who are paying using HBD/Hive
    • ✅ Latest Deployment - I have published/deployed all latest changes here - https://distrion.the-hive-mobile.app/


    3Speak new-website - backend (acela-core)

    • I had another call with @piyushjha today.
    • He had some issues setting up acela-core & assisted him doing that.
    • On top of that, he was facing issues when calling API for start_encode
    • He was getting 500 error when calling it.
    • I took remote access of his system/vs-code & together we solved & successfully implemented start_encode API.
    • With that, login & upload with acela-core on new-front-end is coming out really well.

    The Hive Mobile App

    • On https://the-hive-mobile.app, we are working on wallet page.
    • Today, we focused on providing mobile compatible view for wallet page.
    • Here is how it looks & we know that we have to make it better.

    Other small small updates

    My Terracore Stats

    • Today, I lost 375.67 SCRAP to @saboin. He is a frequent attacker 😥
    • He is 2nd best attacker & has stolen 5200 SCRAP in my last 200 battles.
    • I also gained 336.27 SCRAP by attacking others.
    • Difference is - I had to battle 5 times to gain 336 SCRAP, whereas @saboin gained 375 SCRAP by attacking me just twice.
    • My goal is to keep on increasing attack levels just like him.
    • One day, If I've enough money, I'll upgrade equipped items & try to increase luck.
    • Followings are my equipped items & tell me what do you think of it.

    A sad share from @sagarKothari88

    • I gave something to my son & he broke it into pieces. Can anyone tell what is this toy? I may reward the one who guess it first.
    • I accidentally cut my left hand finger a little yesterday. Today, I'm doing better & not slowing down on my contributions for Hive.
    • Today, It's full moon day. I took a snap of it as soon as I got chance. Did you took a moon-snap? share it in the comment section. I may reward the ones who share.

    Investing into Hive - 23-Apr-2024

    • Today, I powered up 100.629 HIVE so far
    • My goal is to power-up daily some amount.
    • Daily target includes 100 Hive Power up
    • My hive power ups includes
      • power up - 23.442 HP
      • witness rewards - 17.731 HP
      • benefactor rewards - 16.47 HP
      • hive curation rewards - 42.986 HP

    Curation Report for 22-Apr-2024


    • If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
    • If you think that I should not attach curation report in the post, let me know in the comment section.

    What do you think?

    • What do you guys think about the contribution I do?
    • What do you guys think about this post?
    • Do you have some things to share? If yes, add it in comment section.

    Who am I?

    Support me

    • Please upvote my content to motivate me
    • Please Reblog
    • Please vote me as Hive Witness

    Vote me as Hive Witness

    Support @sagarkothari88

    About the SPK Network:

    The SPK Network is a decentralised Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens so that every user, creator, and platform can earn rewards on a level playing field.


    Important Links of SpkNetwork & ThreeSpeak

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    Vote for 3Speak as Witness - Support @threespeak

    Vote for Sagarkothari88 as Witness - Support @sagarkothari88

    Don't forget to swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency

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