Updates for Each Project under SPinvest

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello SPIers, today I give a few SPI updates on what we've been up to the past month.




    • Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that SPI had been planning a BTC to HIVE swap when the ratio of 1 BTC to 200k HIVE come in and it did a few weeks back. We converted 1 BTC into around 203k HIVE. I have put 200k HIVE into the account @spi-store. 100k of this has been delegated to @eds-vote and the other 100k to @leo.voter.

    • SPI dividends have almost doubled since up the leo.voter delegation. This is nice to see after watching them decline for the past year. Im sure token holders are happy.
      Im not 100 sure what the APY is for leo.voter after we factor in all the days it misses payments. We could say at least 1 day a week so the true APY is more like 10.5-11%.

    If you know a place the delegate HP for over 10% APY and can handle a 6-figure delegation, im all ears :) I am aware of PWR but I dont want to wreck its peg by selling off 200 tokens a week. Im thoughtful like that 😉

    • Our $500 x5 ETH margin trade has been going sideways for the past 2 weeks. Currently sitting at -$202.21 we're not winning and the only thing increasing is the interest we need to pay on the $2000 loan. I got us in when ETH was trading at $3250 around 1 month back and when the market crapped itself 2 weeks back, we almost got liquidated. We were lucky I had auto top-up turned on and had USDT sitting in the holding wallet. We're technically closer to $900 in the hole because auto topup took $399 from the holding account and it's now locked until we reach a certain risk level. Sounds bad but this is margin trading, if you want to do a $500 trade, you need to expect it will cost you more if the market turns to other way. If you dont have extra funds allocated, you wanna get wrecked alot. Amateur mistake to be honest. When the market turns properly bullish again and ETH starts to moon, this -$200 will look like chump change. Remember, we're leveraging at 5x and our exit is ETH at $6500. This will give us a $2400-2500 profit after interest fees are paid. This is the test trade to show you guys the process so when we're in the next bear market, if I decide to go $50k into a 3x BTC margin trade, you guys understand the process and have more confidence.



    • It's all @eds-vote at the minute and it's getting massive. The incoming HP delegations in the past 2 weeks have doubled from 140k to 275k HP which is game-changing stuff for @eddie-earner. Curation rewards for eds-vote have doubled and the account is now earning over 400 HP per week and minting 200 EDS per week to eds-vote HP delegators. We need to collect up all these curation rewards to we have a HP balance of 5200 in @eds-vote and then we can start a 400 HIVE a week powerdown. This will give a massive boost to EDS's HIVE income pool and of course it's APY as well.
    • EDSD tokens are doing well with slow and steady growth. The account @eds-d is now holding over 5000 HBD and it's on its way to 10,000. The recent dip in HIVE price has been rewarding for EDSD token holders as they receive more EDS rewards. EDSD is an HBD backed token that takes HBD interest, converts it into HIVE and uses that HIVE to mint new EDS tokens.



    • DBOND tokens are sold out 2 months already and no more will ever be directly sold to the market again. Going forward we will release new ways to mint them.

    • Coming in 4-5 weeks we will release 2 curation accounts for DAB. 1 will work much like eds-vote but more automated with higher rewards/less growth. It will vote DAB holders, delegators and defi content. The other will be an exclusive CLUB token holder bot only with proceeds being dripped into the @dailydab account.

    • DAB as a project will not do anything fast. This is a shared project with BRO but their input seems to be almost 0 so it moves at whatever pace they dictate. For SPI OG's/onlookers, I understand this project's progress seems slow.



    • JK6276 has stepped up and offered to take this fund over from me. He is currently gathering feedback from token holders and putting a plan together. This is something I welcome and from what I know, JK will run the account completely and I will remain as an advisor to help with planning structure, tokenomics and getting automation set up. I'll have no input as to how funds are allocated.

    • In other news, LBI has crappy wrappable LEO BSC wraps, 2306 bHBD, 6225 bHIVE and 17,723 bLEO. I have opened 3 support tickets in the past 2 weeks and each time I get back a ticket closed/resolved DM after a few hours. I asked about it on the LEO server and they said the ticket was open but it was closed. I've given up on these LeoFinance people. Even when these wrapped tokens get unwrapped (if ever) it'll cost 9% in fees and take 3 months. I could sell a house faster and cheaper FFS. Shit, I never knew it took 13 weeks to move HBD from a savings to a liquid wallet.

    That's the down low

    There are a few updates for each project under SPinvest. The past few weeks within the markets have been choppy but we have passed over the BTC halving and things will get interesting over the coming months.

    SPI moves heavily with the market but EDS and DAB are both 100% HIVE so they are market-proof. This means they perform the same at all stages of the market cycle and can yield consistently for years/decades.

    Thanks for taking the time to check today's post. I just this minute remembered about XV token.


    • Up over 120% since its launch last year. Update done 😅

    Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

    Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
    SPI token@spinvestSPI
    LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
    Top XV token@spinvestXV
    Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
    EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
    EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
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