Wonderful weekend with colorful nature; vibrant flower garden.

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Flowers not only give a refreshing look for the surroundings but it also brings calmness, peace and contentment. Remember when at the peak of the pandemic and everyone was into planting? It was like therapy.


    Seeing one pot could already make you smile, especially seeing the flowers about to blossom.


    What about another variant with a different color? Would you dare to touch or stop by?


    For those who love flowers, surely would halt a while and ask if this is for sale. Then, find yourself lucky as it was and not only that there were a lot of!

    If not due to permit issues I did buy at least one of those roses. During my teenage years, I used to plant different variations. However, since I couldn't let's say I explore till my heart was content one weekend sometime last year.


    Not familiar with the name but can't help but to admire this cute little one. Somehow similar to dama de noche or perhaps just the color 🤔?


    Above was a macro shot but this is what it looks like, a bush of white and green. Tiny little buds and leaves.

    Do you love daisies?


    At first I thought it was but not.

    Google lenses help me identify and it says Zinnia. As I got curious about it, I did a little bit more checking to find out it was such a beautiful flower!

    Might be a scrub but kinda tough, long lasting and adored by pollinators! Not only that but it is also associated with lasting feelings, endurance, remembrance and friendship. (Source)

    With different colors it would be easy for you to choose one for floral arrangement or to add life in your garden.

    I was about to say, white color was the best yet I think orange is more vibrant!


    If you are to choose which one?

    In the next flower bed lies this other set that is somehow similar.

    Perhaps this is still Zinnia, just another variety with thinker petals. As if not, might planted far from it.

    And the Daisies! Finally found it just a few walk away. Was walking going to the other side that attracted my attention.


    How would you ignore these pink buds saying HI?🖐.

    If my memory was right, I never got a chance to grow daisies among my small flower garden back then. Not sure if it was the soil, the way I care for it simply didn't have a green thumb.
    Nevertheless, it is my goal to grow at least a pot once I stay at home. Flowers and veggies on the pot as I don't have enough space for gardening.


    This was taken earlier while I was going to the flower beds from the other side of. Now, I am a few steps away from a cage-like design photo booth.


    I was a little bit disappointed as I haven't captured the best shots. Still need to improve my photography skills!


    Love this one more! In my previous blogs, I posted a similar photo but nope! This one was on the other side and it's different. Kinda smaller compared to the entrance. Which is much better for not so tall humans like me!


    This is what I mean! See just enough to capture the area with me standing along.

    It feels great, remembering this wonderful weekend. Now. While writing this blog I am thinking when I can share again about my travels? Was supposed to go hiking and swimming last November in one of the tourist destinations here. Well as you know, it was canceled due to pregnancy. Delighted and overjoyed I am, so I guess, it will take me a year before I can travel again.😆

    Happy weekend fellow Hivers! Hope you will be having a great one.

    Lead image was edited using Canva
    All photos are mine otherwise stated
    Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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