In the Blink of an eye: A Swift Journey to the Hospital

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Life has a way of unfolding with unexpected twists, thrusting us into moments where time seems to both stand still and race by in a blur.
    I found myself caught in the whirlwind of mixed emotions as my mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance earlier this morning.
    I was awakened by a whimpering sound like soft cries of moaning that came from my mother-in-law. My husband and I sleeps on a mattress just beside my mother-in-law's bed so it would be easier for us to tend to her at night.
    It was my first time hearing it from her and it made me feel a bit uneasy. I called my husband so he can wake her up for I don't want to disturb her since she just got her sleep. She doesn't get that much sleep now for weeks. She is awake the whole night that's why my hubby and I haven't gotten a good sleep since she was hospitalized last October.
    My husband tried waking her up but she won't even budge. He asked me to waker her up but still to no avail. We then started to feel nervous and then both of us started crying, I prepared some clothing, blankets, towel and pillow to bring to the hospital. While hubby called up QERU (quick emergency response unit) of our barangay. Each barangay has one QERU.




    A Quick Response Amidst Urgency
    The urgency of the situation became palpable as our quick emergency response unit sprang into action, whisking my mother-in-law to the hospital in a fraction of the time it would normally take. What would typically be a thirty-minute journey on any other day was condensed into a mere five minutes of heart-pounding anticipation and apprehension.

    Mixed Emotions Amidst the Chaos
    As we raced through the streets, the blare of sirens piercing the air, a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions engulfed me. Fear and anxiety mingled with hope and determination, creating a kaleidoscope of feelings that seemed to ebb and flow with each passing moment.


    The uncertainty of the situation loomed large, casting a shadow over my thoughts.
    Nanay has no pulse all throughout our journey so I kept crying while the team administered first aid like putting on oxygen to help her breath.




    A Painful Vigil
    Inside the ambulance, the weight of the moment bore down heavily as I watched my mother-in-law's condition fluctuate. The absence of a pulse reading sent shockwaves through my system, amplifying the sense of helplessness and vulnerability that enveloped us. In those agonizing moments, every beat of my heart echoed with a silent plea for her well-being.


    Navigating Through the Unknown
    In the midst of the chaos, I found solace in the unwavering dedication and expertise of the medical team accompanying us.


    Their calm demeanor and swift actions instilled a sense of reassurance amidst the storm, reminding me that we were not alone in this journey through the unknown.
    We were very happy seeing all of them were our neighbors. I applaud their swift action accompanied with great care, respect and kindness to us. They never left us until my mother-in-law was settled in the ER.


    A Beacon of Hope
    As we arrived at the hospital, a glimmer of hope pierced through the veil of uncertainty. The doors of the ambulance opened to a team of healthcare professionals ready to spring into action, their expertise poised to provide the care and support needed in this critical moment.





    Conclusion: Finding Strength in Adversity
    The ambulance ride to the hospital was a whirlwind of mixed emotions, a journey marked by urgency, uncertainty, and unwavering resolve.
    In those fleeting moments, I witnessed the fragility of life And amidst the chaos, I found solace in the bonds of love and support that bind us together, guiding us through even the darkest of times.


    As I am writing this post, we are still in the hospital now. My eyes have dried up from crying since this morning. The nurses cannot seem to have her blood pressure but she has a pulse. They are still doing their best to revive nanay but with all the heavy medicine for her heart to pump blood and yet they still can't get a reading of her blood pressure, The attending physician already told us to be prepared of what would happen anytime......
    The whole family now are praying for a miracle.🥺😞😔


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