An even Better Way of Attaching Zippers in Crocheted Coin Purse; A NeedleWorkMonday Entry

in voilk •  2 months ago

    It's a new week and hooray we all made it last week!

    Hello, everyone! Here I am again sharing my crafts and how I mad them.

    I love how neat my work is in here. Do you?

    Most crafter's delima is attaching zippers on their crafts be it coin purse, bags, dress or anything. There are machines that can do the work but people like me who are challenged financially just could not afford to buy them and settle on doing it by hand. Small things like coin purse are hard to attach zippers using machines too so better do it by hand.

    Let me share how I did this pretty purse.

    But of course, I could not have done it without anyone's help. I used to do a slip stitch on zippers way back when I made purses but when I saw Abby's crochet tutorial on YouTube, I though I should give it a try and made my work even faster and neatier.

    Honestly, I had lots of unfinished purses in my stash and I just can't finish them because my way of attaching zippers were too complicated for me. But this time,I was very inspired to finish them.

    Finding Courage to Finish My Old Projects

    A few years ago, I bought lots of continuous zipper and sliders in the hope to make a lot of purses and sell them. I did but there are many hindrances in my plans and everything went to a pause (because I don't want a halt). To avoid the zipper sliders in getting lost and misplaced, I patiently attached them to the continuous zipper; this way it' would be easier and faster for me to use it when I needed.

    This is one of the unfinished coin purse I had and finally I had the courage to finish it.

    There is not lock on the zipper's edges and i have learnt from my mom that zppers can be locked when melted with fire. Good thing my boss had many lighters and I borrowed one to use on my crafts.

    One of the reasons why I wanted to finish them quickly is that I wanted to practice sewing the zipper as fast as I could, get it very neat and almost perfect.

    I know for sure that I still had to practice attach the zippers to coin purses and learn many things before perfecting them. Removing the zippers would be a stupid idea and a though came that I should be giving my work to my relatives on our upcoming family reunion instead. That even fueled my courage to finish more of my crafts.

    My first try

    I was too excited to take photos on the early stage of my work but I love how neat I was doing. I probably had to make it even straighter though.

    Here's how I did it: I secured the one end of the zipper and did a whip stitch towards the other and came back completing the zigzag. I did not secure the other end yet(as per the tutorial said) to be able to make adjustments when doing the other side of zipper. I continued to the other side and did a whip stitch and there secured the end before going back and completing the zigzag. If you find this complicated, I'd suggest you should see Abby's video instead.

    A few minutes later, I finished one purse but found out it was crooked.

    I did not like my work and tried to remove it and start new one. Unfortunately, I could ot reuse the zipper since a huge hole was made while I was cutting the thread.

    Getting better!

    This time, I did better! I missed using clips on the zippers so they will not move while I was working with it. Learning while working is what I love when crocheting and i hope to remember every mistake I did so they won't happen again s I work.

    I tried putting money on the purse and it worked well!

    Trying a new Yarn

    Over the years, I have loved using indophil yarns because they are cheap and light. One cake can make a top or several projects but I grew allergic with it and I sneeze several times when using them; my eyes would itch too.

    On the video tutorial, Abby used several accessories on her craft making it look even more expensive so I bought several of them in her shop and tried them on including a 10-ply polyester yarn.

    I'm actually very excited using the new yarn; it's glossy and does not trigger my allergy, stiff when you crochet on tight stitches and loose when you need it be.

    The texture is very nice and every stitch look very pretty.

    After a few minutes, Tadaaa! all finished! And I love them so much!

    I also made in different color and it looks pretty too

    Now digging up to the stash, I found this pretty watermelon purse which I had not attached zippers yet.

    I kept adding zippers and did not notice that I have finished a lot already! Just in time when we all need to be ready for our family reunion!

    I loved my work and I am happy that I have decided to give them to my family. Though I was in a rush (because I though we are going home already) when I gave the purses to my family and was to able to take a photo yet their happy faces and thankful compliments were embroidered in my heart and mind.

    I hope next year, I can do it again and will be able to give happiness to the people I love.

    This would be all for my blog today an I hope you like how I added zipper on my projects.

    See you all around and always choose to be happy. Keep safe!

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