Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Evading Attacks With High Speed Djinn Oshanus

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Cover image from @splinterlands

    Hi splinterlands community, this is my entry to the splinterlands social challenge for this week. This week I am writing about one of my battles.

    Ruleset and Its Meaning


    This ruleset is the counterspell ruleset which means that all monsters have the magic reflect ability.

    From playing the game, I have realized in situations like these, players tend to avoid magic cards most of the time.

    Summoner and Team Choices


    I chose this water summoner to grant my cards +1 speed and +1 shield.

    Card number / positionCard
    1; Djinn Oshanusimage.png
    2; Deeplurkerimage.png
    3; Merdaali Guardianimage.png
    4; Hardy Stonefishimage.png

    My Opponent's team selection


    My opponent brought this fire summoner, Tarsa to give his cards +1 melee and +1 health.

    Card number / positionCard
    1; Antoid Platoonimage.png
    2; Disintegratorimage.png
    3; Goballano Soldierimage.png
    4; Tenyii Strikerimage.png
    5; Scarvo Chemistimage.png
    6; Radiated Scorcherimage.png

    Round 1

    The summoner buffs took effect giving my cards +1 shield and +1 speed while my opponent got +1 health and +1 melee. My opponent's second card, Disintegrator gave my melee cards -1 melee.
    Before the battle started, my opponent ambushed my last card with Goballano Soldier removing the shield from my last card.


    I attacked first using my first card removing 2 health from my opponent's first card. My fourth card and second cards removed the shield from my opponent's first card. My opponent's third card killed my last card while my opponent's fourth card removed the shield on my fourth card.


    My opponent's first card missed the attack on my first card.

    Round 2

    I attacked first with my first card killing my opponent's first card. My fourth card removed my opponent's present first card, Disintegrator's shield. My second card reduced my opponent's second card's health to 1 while my opponent's second card reduced my fourth card's health to 2.


    My opponent's third card, Tenyii Striker killed my fourth card and Disintegrator missed the attack on my first card.

    Round 3


    My first card attacked removing 2 health from my opponent's first card while my opponent's second card removed my Guardian's shield and my second card killed my opponent's second card.


    My Guardian was killed by my opponent's Tenyii Striker and Disintegrator removed my first card's shield.

    Round 4


    My first card attacked removed 2 health from my opponent's first card and my second card killed it. Tenyii Striker was now in first position and missed the attack.

    Round 5


    My first card reduced the health of Tenyii Striker to 5 and my second card killed my opponent's last card. Tenyii striker missed the attack again.

    Round 6


    My first card and second card combined to kill my opponent's Tenyii Striker leaving my opponent with only Scarvo Chemist who has no attack.

    Round 7


    A combination of attacks from my cards killed my opponent.

    I won this battle after 7 rounds. The high speed of my cards especially the first card Djinn Oshanus helped me to win this battle. It did so by making sure most attacks from my opponent on it were evaded.

    Here is a link to the battle I just described. Click here
    to watch the battle

    Screenshots of the battle were all sourced from splinterlands.

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