Keeping the bond

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Our dog gave birth two months ago, it took us a lot of patience if I must say. We were expecting this sooner than later. Her taking in was one big concern for us. What's going on, why is our male dog not playing its path? We have a male and a females dog and they have been a needed companion in the compound. I never had much concern for pets until my brother introduced these two guys, everyone in the house welcomed them right from when they were puppies. My concerns kept tilting their direction and before you know it, they became part of my life. I can have fun if I unleash these two guys.

    I never understood when they said dogs are man's best friend, I mean, how do this canines meet such criteria. Beyond being pets, dogs have evolved to love humans. How they keep to instructions even when they feel inconvenienced. Anyway, our female dog is always very stubborn, she knows you'll shout on her yet she just does it and stairs soberly at you. I could remember a day she took my shoes from my door post and tore it apart in the name of playing. I woke up the next morning to see my shoes in pieces. Oh dear! Does she know how much a shoe is worth? Off I went to their cage, behold she was quietly lying there, I felt she knew she had done something wrong. What did I do? Nothing, I just look at them both knowing who the real culprit was and later walked away.

    She finally took in after many months of fighting with her brother/husband. Funny to hear about a brother-husband but they are animals, so no incest committed. What took so long to concieve, our first suggestion was that her brother-husband was only interested in eating and sleeping, we were all wrong. She refused him mating severally by bringing up fights during such times. Our male dog couldn't give us an official report until an expert revealed this secret to us. Experts are experts, I mean we have been seeing some scars in her brother's body but never knew how to come exactly. We were taught a trick in the process, we applied and it worked.

    After three months pregnancy, she gave birth, the tragic part was that we lost some in the process. Two was left and they turned the whole house up-side-down when they started walking. As a man, if you are going to be a caring father, you should keep a dog, probably start from puppy stage. I couldn't sleep whenever they came around, there were some days that I was left to take care of them both. Ah! One will urinate here and the other will defecate at the other end. Come on guys, we have to work together, anyone wants to urinate or poo should call my attention. Hahaha, this is just me giving a 'never attended to' suggestion. They continued this ransacking, funny enough, they enjoyed doing that mostly when they entered the inner rooms.

    We parted ways
    My brother told me he will be selling both out, people had already booked for our puppies even before birth, I knew it will soon come to this and what will I do, I began to have a wonderful relationship with them despite the stress. I can remember always trying to keep them out from my room so they don't pee and poo everywhere. Guess what, they will stand by the door and cry over and over. At some point, their sober cry always prevails. I only wish the enjoy their new owners. It is absolutely out of my control now, I have to let go.

    To conclude, let me add, it was a wonderful experience with those two little fellas. I have to turn my concerns once more to our old guys. We have to look for ways for her to concieve again. My bond for dogs just increased after the last experience. Animals can be worth your time if only you give them the needed attention. I feel God knows why he made animals and told us to take care of them. We need them to make a good companion.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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