How to Get the Best Meat

in voilk •  21 days ago

    If you want to get good meat from the butcher, you will need to understand his psychology because he is well aware of your psychology. The majority of the public goes to the butcher and says, "Brother, give me a kilo of meat."

    As soon as he hears this sentence, he understands that he now has a free hand. He cuts a little bit of meat from the thigh, adds some scraps and fat he keeps under his arm, mixes in a few ribs, and hands you a bag of one kilo. No decent dish can be made from this mixed pickled meat.

    Rather you have to regret after when the dish is made, it tastes like the raw meat and that is how the pickled meat will make you sad.

    In contrast, if you go and immediately say, "Brother, show me a piece of bone." Is the hand available? What is the condition of the shank? He will immediately understand that he is not dealing with a fool but a discerning person standing in front of him, so he will need to handle things carefully.

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    Always ask for the whole piece of meat. There are all kinds of pieces, big and small. If you need two and a half to three kilos, it will be a shank. If you need one kilo, ask for the hand.

    If you absolutely need the thigh, then go to the butcher after noon because they sell the thigh last. It is their showcase piece, so if you go in the morning and ask for the thigh, he will just cut a small scrap of the thigh and add the remaining B-grade stuff. But when only the thigh remains at the end of the day, he will obviously have to sell it.

    In Pakistan, it is common to inject water into meat to increase its weight. Initially, butchers only wrapped a wet cloth around the meat, but now they inject water into the veins of the meat with a compressor, which doubles its weight.

    When you get home and put the meat in the pot, the pot fills with water, and the pieces shrink and become smaller. Remember, the thigh is the area where the most water is absorbed. Try to avoid the thigh. Bone-in meat is not only more flavorful, but it also contains relatively less water.

    Meat is a luxury. The majority of people can barely afford it. We want that when you bring meat home for your children, having earned it with difficulty, you get the best quality possible. We don’t want your money to be wasted.

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    Best Wishes.

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