Don't underestimate the work // CLEANPLANET

in voilk •  last month

    Many things happen in the rotating world every day. In the rotating world, some people are wasting food and some are not getting food. Some people are earning crores of taka per month but are unable to solve the problem while some people dream of earning 20 thousand taka per month.Some people constantly commit injustice out of greed while others become jealous of the progress of others.

    We witness many incidents in the environment around us.Many violent conversations and jealousy arise among our neighbors.I have proven that the semi-rich are a little more jealous, but the poor are kinder.Jealousy and pride are very bad things, so they should be avoided.One should never look down on people.One should remember that all are equal in the creation of Allah.Don't underestimate the work.

    Above all, I have one request and that is never to underestimate work.Every job should be done with respect.Today you need crores of rupees, again if someone has a little money, he can live happily with his family.Today you are constantly earning a lot of money through work, meaning you are doing a big job or business but hardworking people should never be neglected.Just as you are constantly earning crores of taka, a hardworking person is happy if he earns 200 taka a day.

    All people are equal in the eyes of Allah.You are earning crores of rupees through your work.Another person is earning 200 rupees through his work, so there can be no discrimination between big and small.Here both jobs are best for both of them.You should never underestimate the work of someone who earns 200 rupees just because you earn a lot of money today. All work should be respected and completed with care.

    Look many people in this @cleanplanet community have come to clean the planet.However, there are many people in our society who despise cleaning up garbage, but I think they are very ignorant.Some people in society may also ignore me, saying, "What are you doing as a girl?" But we have to remember that this planet is the best planet of the Creator. Every place in this world is our precious resource. Today, we are all living together on this planet, so it is our responsibility to protect the natural places of the planet.

    Those who underestimate the importance of cleaning the environment are real fools.I am telling you to constantly clean the environment and nature around you.Never underestimate this task. It is our responsibility to protect the environment and nature and it is our responsibility to create a healthy environment. This planet is ours so it is our responsibility to protect it.You clean your environment and try to encourage others.Of course we need to make public bins. All garbage should be put in public bins so that the municipality can take it.See my activities today.

    Today on the afternoon of February 26th, I conducted important activities to protect our motherland soil and garden soil. The pictures below show the scene of removing plastics waste from the soil.

    I thanks to @cleanplanet for creating this great initiative because today we are motivated to save our planet.Thank you so much for visiting my Clean Planet blog.Have a wonderful day.


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