Hello Hivers!
This will be my first TTT for the month of November. The year is quickly coming to a close, can you believe that? Only months ago, it was January. Where did the time fly to?
Anyhoo, it has been a fruitful year. The ups and the downs were not for nothing. There was learning, unlearning and relearning. Look at me talking as if it is all done now, well it is not. A lot is yet to happen and I will be here to see the end of it all.
This is the one hundred and eightieth week of the Three Tunes Tuesday. I have added a long list of songs from my discovery here and the list keeps increasing. Thank you @ablaze for bringing this initiative to life and keeping it going this far.
For this week, I was inspired, much like @tengolotodo, by the concept of self-love. I have this habit of questioning everything, especially before bed. Is there something I could have done better? Am I satisfied with what I achieved today? Was I productive enough?
Well, it is good from what I know to look back and analyse actions. However, it becomes unhealthy when all we do is demand from ourselves forgetting to love ourselves too. For this TTT, I will be sharing three songs I used to get myself up especially when I felt the all familiar claws of depression.
Cyndi Lauper: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
I first heard this song in a Barbie movie. I never knew it had an original version that was better too until I went in search. So, here we are and I discovered that this song was (or is supposed to be) the cover to the song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Robert Hazard.
I would not dare relate feminism as it was then to now because everyone is suddenly crazy. But, reading Cyndi’s reasons for not wanting to cover a song that was “masculine” was understandable coupled with the fact that this was the 80’s.
As I said in the beginning, I just want to have fun when the work and day is done, not mope about on what I could have done better. Loving myself better is the way to live better.
Aurora - Cure For Me
Learning that this quirky song from Aurora was inspired from a really dark place for the Norwegian singer just intensified my love for it. Basically, I have been told this year by people who know me and people who think they do that I need to act or behave a certain way.
So much so that I began to believe that I was not doing enough. Well, I don’t need a cure for me. I am not perfect but I won’t constantly change to meet people’s expectations of me. So easy to point fingers, isn’t it? I am also referring to myself too because I am my own worst critic. Way too hard on myself.
Tatiana Manaois - Yesterday Everyday Always
Remember Like You? Yeah, this lady always gives the right words. I love how simple her videos are too. Hear those words:
You could be that someone who's been treating you better and
There's always something that you could lose
But baby you could be the one that's leaving you never
And the truth
Is you got all this love inside of you
Don't worry about someone else's views
When they see how you carry on through
They'll carry on too, yeah
Honestly, I am learning to love myself constantly. I admitted my worst fears to my friend and maybe that was all I needed to feel better. Admit that I was scared. Scared of being left behind, forgotten. Maybe that is why I hold on to things and people and also why I push you away before you can do it first. Stupid huh? No it’s not. It is perfectly normal to have fears.
That is it from me. Do you have a favourite? Anyone you liked? Share with me yours too!

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