Water is the source of life

in voilk •  2 months ago

    water is the source of life
    We exist because of the water emitted into the mother's womb.
    Plants exist because of the water poured on the seeds
    Life will continue when water is available.
    Even God's throne was created on water.
    Don't waste the water you have, because not everyone finds it easy to get water.

    air adalah sumber kehidupan
    Kita ada karena air yang dipancarkan kedalam rahim ibu.
    Tumbuhan ada karena air yang disiramkan ke benih
    Kehidupan akan berlangsung saat air tersedia.
    Bahkan singgasana Tuhan diciptakan diatas air.
    Jangan sia siakan air yang ada, karena tak semua orang merasakan mudahnya mendapatkan air.

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