Body Massage Is Key To Sound Health

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello Friends,

    Shout-out to us who learned about the importance of massage through experience. Infact, just like many others today, I was very ignorant about the possible impact of massage on the body.

    Although I saw my parents priotized massage therapy over paracetamol(medical tablet for mild pain) for the relief of their headaches, I still overlooked it's important until it was strongly recommended for me at one point of my life.

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    Infact, I got to know by experience that massage doesn't just benefit us physically but it equally benefits us mentally too. This made me to become obsessed with massaging my body, and It got to a point where I preferred to be massaged than to go for regular workouts, lol.

    The Health Tip You May Need

    Many people do not even know what a massage therapy really is, and even more people have not experienced it to know how effective it is.

    A massage session refers to a point where your body/muscles is been rubbed and pressed with the hand, in a certain way to enhance relaxation and relieve of pain.

    Depending on the pressure applied, massage can be a little bit painful and satisfying at the same time. Infact, when I initially started going for massages, I was more worried about the little pain that comes with it, lol.

    I usually would moan to the pain and endure it regardless, until I got conversant with the pressure of the massage, and now I only crave for it even more.

    I have experienced the local massages, and I have equally gone for massage therapies. I can confidently say that massages can do wonders even more than some medical prescriptions by the medical doctors.

    From injuries, to sickness and stress, massages are highly recommended to relive and provide quicker results to our bodies.

    Some Of The Importance Of Massage

    The benefits of massages to our bodies are numerous, and it can be introduced when we are faced with diverse challenges like headaches, depression, sport injuries, insomnia, digestion disorder, nerves pain, and many more conditions.

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    Some Of The Benefits Of Massages Includes:

    • It Improves Our Immunity And Enhances Better Digestion:

    Massages generally goes as far as working on our cells, because it helps in the circulation of blood throughout our bodies.

    Infact, a very good massage would break down all the cells in the body, thereby causing them to become even more active. In most cases, this is more effective than eating a balanced diet.

    • It Can Help Us In Managing Pains:

    I am a sports person, and mostly I love playing footballs. There was a period where I suffered the effect of a stiff muscle.

    My muscles would always tend to pull me every now and then, both in the pitch and outside the pitch. It got so bad that on some occasions, I would feel my muscles pulling me even while am asleep, lol.

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    This was the period I was strongly recommended to go for massages. It happened like magic after the massage, because the stiffness of my muscles were taken care of, and I wasn't feeling the pain anymore.

    • It Enhances Better Sleep And Reduces Depression:

    Have you ever had the challenge of struggling to sleep? if yes, then you must know how frustrating and traumatizing it is. But here's the good news fams, massage therapy is more reliable than any medical prescriptions to get us a better sleep.

    I can say this from experience, because drugs usually have an after effect, but massage would help us recharge and boost.

    Me sleeping after massage

    Serotonin and Dopamine are both happy hormones that are broken down and released during massage therapies, and they help in boosting our moods, keeping us excited.

    Some Of The Risk Of Not Massaging

    Judging from the importance of massaging, it's obvious that if we do not engage in massages for a long time, we stand the risks of some of this challenges;

    • Muscles Stiffness: For a person like me who have had to deal with muscle stiffness in the past, it is very possible that if I do not engage in massage therapies for a while, it may affect me again in the nearest future.

    • It May Affect Your General Wellbeing: Massage therapies do not just benefit our body systems alone, but it helps our mental health too. It brings happiness, relaxation, and energy boost. So failure to massage is invite to low energy boost.

    Thanks for your time here.

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