in voilk •  3 months ago

    bdjjd. (6).png

    March was a good and fast most for me, it could have been more fun and stress free month for me but no, it wasn't because of school activities. I envy every graduate who has now escaped the school life and its activities.

    We suffered from lack of electricity here in my school area for the first 2 weeeks in March then it was resolved. We heard the news and was anticipating the light but it was only some part of the school area that had supply of electricity. Every area close to school had no light while areas far from school were enjoying electricity and this time around, it was roughly 20-23 hours per day. These areas enjoyed back to back light for 2 weeks. For the areas without electricuty, it was so annoying hearing this news of steady supply of electricity in other areas everyday in the first 2 weeks.

    So, I lived without electricity through out the month of March. Thank God I have neighbours in my hostel that puts on their gen frequently where I go to charge my devices. Though, I am not always comfortable knocking on their door everyday saying "hey what's up, I want to charge".

    March is a month where the Christians continue their 40 days fasting and Muslims start their 30 days fasting. I did not participate in the Christian fasting towards the Easter celebration: it is something I should put to heart and try it out. I did enjoy my Easter holiday here in school though there was no special celebration like food and outing: just satyed indoor and enjoyed watching movie with my friends in the hostel. My parent called that I ought to come spend the holiday with them but I declined. I can't travel for 6 hours on a bad road and spend just two days with my family, nah!..... I really want to see my parents and siblings but 2 days is too short for how much I miss them.

    As Farm Practuce Year student, March was full of tiring activities because the weather was pretty harsh and most of our activities were on open farm fields. I even skipped going to farm for about 4 days last month just to give my body some rest. I am glad I skipped those days else I would have fallen sick: quite a number of the Farm Practice Year student fell sick and that doesn't bother the school farm managers in anyway though. They believe they are training us to be a good farmer😂, we work like paid labourers but don't get a dime and get home everyday so tired.

    March was not tough like it would have been for me because I have friends who helped me. I have talked several times about my friends here. It is a good thing to have good and faithful friends who you care about and they care about you too. In a country where things are not the way they use to be, having good friends would help a lot and save you some stress.

    April is here already, I believe it's going to be much better month than March.

    The thumbanail image was from Canva

    Thank You For Reading Till The End.

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