Battle mage secret: Ferocity

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Let have a closes look at Ferocity and how to utilize it in your advantage. This might be a shorter post than normal, this is a rule set everybody knows easy how to adjust to it. This makes it hard to find nice synergies or battles. So the hope is that your opponent ignores this rule set and uses a taunt monster, the chances are low.


    All units have the Fury ability. Fury will do double damage against taunt monsters
    Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

    Abilities Synergies / Strategies

    Stun - Imagine the devastation you can deal to a taunting monster that is stunned. This makes it difficult to get into because you need a stun monster then a knock-out monster then your opponent has to have a taunt monster. Then the timing needs to be right. So pretty much never happens. still fun to see 4x damage.

    Giant Killer - Does double damage against targets that cost 10 or more mana. This would be very funny, i just have not seen it ever. combine this with fury and you opponent again as made a mistake and selected a taunt monster also here a 4x damage can be acheived.

    My main strategy is to look and think of what crucial taunt monster are there that are probably not used not, can i take an advantage there.
    Crucial taunt monsters that i own are i.m.o.:

    2 out the 4 favorite has downside against magic so has a slight benefit to select now, but again this is very little.


    Pretty easy this time, just do not select any taunt monsters. There are plenty of other options.

    Example battle


    Difficult to find a match where ferocity is used and someone uses also taunt 🤣.

    High mana game with ferocity i even might also select a taunt unit to demonstrate the rules set. with some extra thing in mind the blast need to kill a martyr unit twice.


    Rule set of this week. All unit will gain the fury ability meaning all unit will do double damage against taunt units.

    Fire & Regret:
    All unit will gain the return fire ability. Meaning all ranged unit will get return damage.

    Explosive Weaponry:
    All units will gain the blast ability. Basically all adjacent unit wil get some blast damage if you do not use abilities to mitigate that.

    The Lineup


    Need the extra armor for the blast and i can use all the health i can get.

    Units Lineup


    Drybone Barbarian (lvl 10)
    Strong heavy hitter in the front. I do not expect a taunt unit in the front but when this unit is enraged it could do 18 damage against a taunt unit that would be funny

    Corsair Bosun (lvl 6)
    Second unit that needs to attack the front. Also important that it has reflection shield it should be protected from a front attack and m taunt unit.

    Iziar (lvl 2)
    I find it very frustrating i still do not have this on level 3 where it gets martyr it would have been perfect in this lineup. Now its a risk it needs to be boosted before it gets killed.

    Venari Marksrat (lvl 8)
    Just here to boost adjacent units. with the fire and regret it will get damage when it attacks and it will get damage from the blast. Then it resurrect and killed again, that is the plan.

    Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
    Made it in the team for the extra health and heal. will be boosted also twice by the venari marksrat.

    Adelade Brightwing (lvl 4)
    Important unit in this strategy for the resurrect.

    The Battle


    Link to the battle:
    Link to battle


    Start :

    Not the opponent i expected. hhhm i need to think about the force field. I think its only calculated based on the base damage so the unit doing less then 5 damage still do the 2x damage because of the fury.
    Dislike the immortals because i brought 3 magic units that is reduce magic by silence and another -1 because of the void.
    Not sure if i will win this battle the Venari marksrat needs to be killed fast for the boost 🤣

    Round 1:

    Strategy is working like planned, meaning venari markrat is killed twice. But also my Iziar is almost dead and cannot be healed because of the affliction. Not looking well at this moment
    Drybone Barbarian can now do 9 damage that is great, might he save the day.
    Another thing i missed i toughed void did -1 magic damage but it actually 50%.

    I think i need some extra luck with this match.

    Round 2:

    With 9 potential damage my Drybone Barbarian on takes down 1 armor that is a pity
    But also two misses on my Drybone Barbarian 🍀. Still not out of the woods...
    Really hard to kill the Mycelic Slipspawn with the silence and void even with fury 😅

    Round 3:


    Drybone Barbarian is doing a lot of damage also 5 blast damage.
    Leaving up to Corsair Bosun to kill Grund and Runemancer Florre. Also finally Mycelic Slipspawn turning the table in this round.

    Round 4:

    Well its a win with a risky strategy bringing taunt in a Ferocity match


    Ferocity its a nice rule set but also easy to avoid. I played many matches where there was a ferocity rules in the mix but either me or my opponent did not select a taunt unit. This match i tried a risky taunt unit strategy that i would do more often when my Iziar unit gets martyr.

    That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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