The rescue

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Jeremy woke up excited. It was his birthday. The family was on a vacation, majorly to celebrate Jeremy's birthday. They stayed in a nice mansion. As Jeremy left his bedroom for the sitting room, his parents and sister were waiting for him.

    "There's the birthday boy" his sister, Aimee, said.

    "Happy birthday Son" his father also said.

    "Thanks Dad" Jeremy replied.

    "So everyone get ready, we're all going to celebrate later today" His mum said.

    "Okay mum. First, I have to go jogging. I'll be back soon" Jeremy said.

    It was a beautiful morning. The sun was out, the weather was perfect. Jeremy enjoyed the sight of the environment as he jogged. The trees, the flowers and water all added to the beauty of the environment.

    After a while jogging, Jeremy made his way back home. As he got closer to the mansion, he saw a van with weird and scary looking men driving away. It made him nervous. Immediately, he made his way into the house. He called out his sister's name, but no one answered. He also called out to his parents, but no one answered either. Then he saw shattered glasses on the floor and a tumbled chair, which were signs of a struggle. Instantly, he realized his family had been kidnapped.

    Without wasting a second, he took his car keys, got into the car and tried to follow that van. Jeremy followed the van, but he was careful to stay far enough so that he wouldn't be noticed by the kidnappers.



    He watched them bring out his family from the back of the van and moved them into a huge compound. His parents and sister were cuffed and blindfolded. After they all moved in, Jeremy stepped out of the car and moved towards the compound. He stood in front of the gate. There was a sign on the gate that said

    "Keep out. Do not trespass."

    On seeing that sign, Jeremy wondered what was going on in there. He got even more scared. No one would ever suspect that something was going on there. As he looked inside, he saw some old buildings that looked like factories. They looked abandoned. His family had to be in one of those buildings. Jeremy wondered who would want to kidnap them. He wondered who his family offended. He only escaped because he wasn't around at that moment.

    He wondered if he should go in and try to rescue his family or call the police and wait. He decided to call the police and also sneak in. It seemed like a stupid idea, but he couldn't just stay back and wait while his family faced imminent danger there. Jeremy called the police and told them what had happened. He gave them the address where his family were being held, and they said they were on their way.

    Jeremy managed to climb the wall and gained access to the compound. He looked around while hiding to avoid being sighted. Most of the men were guarding a particular building and Jeremy knew that was where his family were being kept. He decided to go in through the backdoor of the building, which was guarded by only one man. Jeremy wondered how he would go past him. Then he decided that he would ambush the man. Jeremy ambushed him and knocked him unconscious. Then he made his way into the building.

    On getting in, he saw his family seated, with their hands restricted. He was happy that, at least, they were still alive.

    Jeremy was trying to decide on a plan for freeing his family while he hid when, suddenly, he felt a gun poked at him from behind. One of the guards had caught him

    "Stand up, put your hands on your head, and move over there" the man said, pointing at the spot where Jeremy's family were seated.

    Jeremy, who already had his hands on his head, walked toward that spot. He was cuffed by another and seated.

    "So you think you could walk in here, rescue your family and walk away scot-free? Who do you think you are?" said the man who caught Jeremy as he laughed ironically.

    Next thing, the police surrounded the building. They had already gained access to the compound and apprehended some of the kidnappers.

    "Freeze! It's the police. Drop your weapons", A police officer said as they flooded the building.

    The kidnappers in the building knew there was no need to resist because they were clearly outnumbered, so they dropped their weapons, went on their knees and surrendered.

    The police rounded up everyone involved in the kidnapping and freed Jeremy and his family.

    "I'm so happy you're all okay" Jeremy said with so much relief as the family hugged.

    "What you did was brave, son, but it was also dangerous. You should have waited for the police. I was afraid that they were going to shoot you" His mom said.

    "Well, that's all in the past now. None of us got hurt, and we should be grateful" his dad said.

    Later that day, they got word that it was a colleague of Jeremy's dad who worked in the same company with him and was in the running for the same position that masterminded the kidnap.

    It was a shocking revelation, but they were happy it was all over.

    They wouldn't let the incident of the day stop the celebration for Jeremy's birthday, so they prepared a large family dinner and celebrated as a family.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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