Volver al Futuro un Clásico entre los Clásicos.
Back to the Future a Classic among Classics.
Hey there community, I hope you are doing great, regardless of the day you are reading this post, I hope you are all doing great. This time, more than a review, I want to share with you my opinion on why I think the Back to the Future trilogy is one of the best that can exist and will exist in this entire film industry (so that my fanaticism for this trilogy is not noticed). We will review, for the most part, the three films and what, for me, makes them so iconic.

A simple vista, vemos esto como una película ochentera de ciencia ficción y comedia, sí, tiene comedia, pero la realidad es que su “simplicidad” en esa área es lo que la hace tan icónica y, si me preguntan a mí, diría que funciona. Puede que no sea lo más innovador, imagino que para la época lo era, pero en los tiempos que corren actualmente desde que en Rápidos y Furiosos llegaron al espacio, algo como Volver al Futuro puede parecer zonzo y simple, y más teniendo en cuenta que es una película de los 80’s y los efectos no iban mucho de la mano con lo que se quería lograr.
I think at this point in our generations, I'm from the early 2000's, we know what these movies are about but if you don't know I'll give you a quick synopsis so you're aware of what we're going to review this time. Back to the Future introduces us to Marty Mcfly, a young teenager who accidentally travels back in time in a time machine built in a DeLorean from 1985 to 1955, the years when his parents met. Marty, changes everything that happened for his parents to meet, endangering his existence and that of his siblings, with the help of Dr. Emmet Brown will correct all these mistakes and try to return to the present.
At first glance, we see this as an eighties sci-fi/comedy film, yes, it has comedy, but the reality is that its “simplicity” in that area is what makes it so iconic and, if you ask me, I'd say it works. It may not be the most innovative thing, I imagine for the time it was, but in today's day and age since Fast and the Furious went to space, something like Back to the Future can seem dumb and simple, and even more so considering it's an 80's movie and the effects didn't really go hand in hand with what they wanted to achieve.

Si se dan cuenta, esta fórmula pasa en la primero entrega con la mamá de Marty cuando su propio abuelo casi lo arrolla, en la segunda entrega pasó pero ligeramente diferente con Lorraine y en la tercera entrega pasa igual cuando salió de la cueva después que el oso lo espantara. Si se fijan, puede que parezca un detalle insignificante pero, funcionó, Volver al Futuro cumple con su objetivo, entretener y dejar un mensaje, tanto la primero como la segunda y la tercera no son la excepción a esta regla de oro, y vaya que le funcionó, no por nada la mayoría la recuerda como un clásico.
Back to the future has something I call “The Formula” and some may have noticed it but the truth is that for me it was something that I overlooked many times, is that when I saw the movies I was a child entering adolescence and simply enjoyed them, and if you pay attention in each movie there is something that is repeated. The times that Marty travels to the past, or to the future in the second installment, whenever he arrives in the DeLorean he suffers a strong blow, is unconscious, is taken care of by someone, that someone is his own family and they are the ones who will help him to do what is necessary to fix the situation and return to his present.
If you notice, this formula happens in the first installment with Marty's mom when his own grandfather almost ran him over, in the second installment it happened but slightly different with Lorraine and in the third installment it happens the same way when he left the cave after the bear scared him away. If you look at it, it may seem like an insignificant detail but it worked, Back to the Future fulfills its objective, to entertain and leave a message, the first, second and third installments are no exception to this golden rule, and boy did it work, not for nothing most people remember it as a classic.

Recuerdo haber visto esto una vez en modo ultra cinéfilo, luego de hacer todos mis deberes en la casa, aparte un tiempo especial para hacer una maratón de las tres películas, una tras de otra, simplemente me pareció algo que debía hacer por lo menos una vez y ya que contaba con el tiempo necesario para hacerlo, lo hice, tiempos que no volverán.
Whenever I ask my friends about this trilogy there are two sides, either they love it or they don't like it, sometimes I think that the small sector that likes it, where I include myself, we feel more comfortable with films of that style, something functional that entertains along the way and leaves a message, or simply for being a classic and having that “I don't know what” where it simply catches you and you can't make it cause an opposite effect. Although I also think that this “formula” can be the tip of the spear and at the same time its Achilles heel, it can play in favor in some occasions or against.
I remember watching this once in ultra cinephile mode, after doing all my homework at home, I set aside some special time to marathon the three movies, one after the other, it just seemed like something I should do at least once and since I had the time to do it, I did it, times that will never come back.

Por supuesto que, esta trilogía, cuenta con personajes icónicos y muy carismáticos, puesto que llegas a conectar con algunos de ellos, aparte del detalle que son los mismos actores lo que dan vida a sus diferentes versiones en el tiempo, a excepción de Michael J. Fox que interpreta a su hija en el futuro (Me costó darme cuenta un poco de este detalle pero ahí está), la cuestión es que, a lo largo de las tres películas, te encariñas con los personajes y hasta te duele lo que les pueda pasar, ejemplo con Einstein y Copérnico, las perros del Doc.
As you can see, it doesn't have a super complex plot or completely unexpected plot twists but I would say time played in favor of this trilogy, and it can be a representation of how sometimes the “simple” can work and stand out for a long time. Back to the Future, is nothing more than a teenager's journey through various situations that will help them make better decisions in the future when they realize where the life they were building would take them.
Of course, this trilogy has iconic and very charismatic characters, since you get to connect with some of them, apart from the detail that are the same actors who give life to their different versions in time, except for Michael J. Fox who plays his daughter in the future (It took me a while to realize this detail but there it is). Fox who plays his daughter in the future (it took me a while to realize this detail but there it is), the point is that, throughout the three films, you get attached to the characters and even hurt about what might happen to them, for example with Einstein and Copernicus, the Doc's dogs.

Me gustaría saber su opinión al respecto de esta maravillosa trilogía de películas, espero les vaya bien a todo ustedes y nos veremos en una próxima oportunidad. Hasta luego : )
Back to the Future, a time travel trilogy that indirectly tells you that your decisions are important and you should not take them lightly, that it is never too late to try things and not to throw in the towel in the process. Without a doubt, I would recommend to everyone I know to at least once, once, give these movies time, from my point of view you lose nothing by watching them and it is ideal to also watch them with the family, of course, if your family likes movies from beyond 2005 and back.
I would like to know your opinion about this wonderful movie trilogy, I hope it goes well for all of you and I will see you in the next opportunity. See you later : )

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Inspirado en mi amor por esta trilogía.
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