Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event! / スプリンターランズ ソーシャルメディアチャレンジ - テーマ バロンズ・バウンティ ビットコイン半減プロモーションイベント

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

    Promotional cards sold at the Bitcoin Half Life event. Have you purchased it yet? I also bought one, but unfortunately I could not get the Gold Foil.
    I had no choice but to buy a Gold Foil of HENCHLING ENFORCER at the market. It cost me a lot of money in total. ;(

    しょうがないのでマーケットで HENCHLING ENFORCER の金枠だけは買いましたが、トータルするとお高くついたね。🥲


    Well, it is BARON FYATT and HENCHLING ENFORCER sold this time, but when I actually tried to use it, it seems to be quite easy to use.
    It seems to be good in terms of the balance of cost and attack power though the opponent still rarely uses it?

    さて、今回販売された BARON FYATT と HENCHLING ENFORCER ですが、実際に使ってみたところなかなか使いやすそうです。

    First. BARON FYATT costs 5. he is level 2 so 2 damage from magic attacks. He has Halving and Scattershot abilities.
    It's available in two elements, Fire and Death, and its cost is not too high, so it's easy to put it in the deck.

    まずは BARON FYATT ですがコストは5。レベル2にしてるので魔法攻撃が2点。アビリティはHalvingとScattershotを持っています。


    If you look at this battle, the magic is scattered in the rear guard, halving the attack power of several monsters. Unfortunately, we lost this battle, but is it the right aim? Although it has a drawback that the target is scattered, it is great that I could reduce the attack power of LAVA LAUNCHER and IFRIT RISING to 1.

    このバトルを見ると後衛に魔法が散って、複数のモンスターの攻撃力を半減させている。残念ながらこのバトルは負けちゃったけど、狙いとしては間違ってないのかな?ターゲットがばらけてしまう欠点はあるけれど、 LAVA LAUNCHER と IFRIT RISING の攻撃力を1に出来たのは大きいね。

    With 6 HP, it might be good to use it in Earthquake or Noxious Fumes rules. Yes, it's also good for Back to Basics rules!
    But it's still a shame that you can't focus on the target. It has the advantage of aiming at the rear, but it's not stable.

    HPが6あるからEarthquakeやNoxious Fumesルールで使うのもいいかもしれない。そうそう、Back to Basicsルールの時なんかもいいね!



    HENCHLING ENFORCER but this one is quite useful, you can use Life for +1 long range attack, or tank OSHANNUS and shoot from behind. It's also nice to have +1 speed!

    HENCHLING ENFORCER だけど、こっちはなかなか使い勝手がいい。Lifeで遠距離攻撃+1できたり、OSHANNUSをタンクにして後ろから撃ったりね。スピード+1出来るのもいいね!


    I can't say that it was very active in this battle. I think 3 points from a long range attack and halving the attack power by halving the Halving is powerful enough.


    For example
    With General Sloan, you can have both very high attack power and a debuff that lowers the enemy's attack power by +1. Since he has a speed of 3, he doesn't worry about being evaded that much.

    General Sloan で攻撃力を+1すればとても高い攻撃力と敵の攻撃力を下げるデバフを両立できる。スピードも3あるからそこまで回避されることを気にしない。

    For example
    I would try to tank OSHANNUS and shoot from behind. In a modern environment, there are surprisingly few 2+ points under 6 cost. 7 cost or more, you can choose, but under 6 cost, I don't think you have a choice.



    In summary, I think HENCHLING ENFORCER is easier to use. For me, though.
    Besides, you get True Strike when you get to level 4. Not having to worry about mistakes is very appealing, but I'm short on funds. Too bad.

    総括すると HENCHLING ENFORCER のほうが使いやすいとおもう。私は、だけどね。
    それに、レベル4まで上げたらTrue Strikeが付くんだよね。ミスの心配をしなくていいのはとても魅力だけど資金不足。残念。


    In this way, it still seems cheap. I wonder if the pattern is to go up after I can't afford to buy. But I don't have any DEC on hand. I have to sell something to buy it. I don't want to sell my gold-framed cards, but I don't have anything else I can sell.


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