No Pressure, Not Trying To Impress Anyone.

in voilk •  6 days ago


    While in school before my graduation, i stay in a room that has only a toilet but no kitchen.

    Actually, it wasn't my plan but when I made the decision to start staying alone, this was the best for me due to my budget then.

    I do not want to live in a place where the rent will stress me to pay just because I'm looking for comfort.

    I made the decision to be on my own in 2021 and it was the best decision I made as a young growing man.

    The rent was 45,000 and it's something I can pay without so much sweat.

    The other rooms I saw then was a bit expensive and I was thinking about renewing and I don't want anything that will finish my money.

    I don't want to just pay once and be having issues with landlords when the rent is due.

    I just need something I can pay for easily without stress.


    Beside I'm a young man still a student back then, I'm just starting, and I took humble beginning personal.

    I choose to live simple because I'm not proving a point to anyone so I conclude not to stress myself or anyone besides I'm not married, I wasn't actually bothered about renting a bigger space until I see the need for it.

    Not enough space but I found a way and managed it well.

    I can cook inside if I want because I'm using that cupboard that has gas opening on it.

    It created enough space for me too and I love the way I set my room.

    I won't be here for long again because things are getting better obviously.

    But anytime I look at my beginning, I'm always happy and proud of myself.

    No pressure, not trying to impress anyone.

    Everything is a process.

    When it's time to leave here, I will leave.

    For now, I enjoy my space.

    Before you think I'm a big boy, I'm just growing and na my space be this and I'm proud of it.

    I've stayed there alone for 3 years while in school.

    Paying rent alone and trust me, I'm enjoying it.

    What Stood Out For Me
    During My School Days,
    "I've learned that in order for me to have a positive impact on other people, I have to fix things within myself first. I have to give myself the gift of contentment and learning to start small not a show up, so that I can go and pass it on other people as well."

    I was staying in a single room but my mind is big not small
    I learned how believing in yourself and thinking big can lead to massive success. It provides practical strategies to overcome fear, build confidence, and develop a powerful mindset for achieving greatness.


    I Didn't Allow My Small Beginning to Affect My Mindset
    Explores the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset. explains how shifting to a growth mindset can improve success in business, relationships, and personal development by embracing challenges and learning from failures.

    I Love Reading Books
    Therefore staying alone Is an assets,
    reading Reveals how the subconscious mind shapes reality. by helping to reprogramme my thoughts, practicing effective communication, you can attract success, happiness, and better success through reading and building yourself

    I was able to be straightforward without allowing friends pressure and no-nonsense guide to breaking, being free from negative thought patterns, I learned overcoming self-doubt, and regaining control over my mindset to live a more empowered life.

    I learned to stop worrying,
    it wasn't funny and easy though, there is need for expansion and increase but I choose to manage stress, and fighting unnecessary worries, and live a more peaceful and fulfilling life by focusing on the present and taking control of your future through starting small.

    Dear reader, learn to start small and never stress yourself, that your little beginning matters a lot, i was able to live just a simple life which helps me alot, therefore appreciate your small beginnings.

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