Towards uphill at the construction site.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    After trying hard to kill the deadly zombies even though I know I'm not strong enough to take them down now, I gave up on them after getting killed for some times and I went back to Jessie's place to upgrade my weapons and then I started looking for her now.

    I had to look for Jessie uphill at the construction site and I just noticed that the path towards uphill was swarming with different kinds of zombies.

    After slaying all of them, I noticed that drum of toxic gas that was flowing in the air and there was a dead body right beside the drum which tells me, that man was there to take care of the gas and the zombies took him down. And there was another dead body wearing the similar dress and it looked like he had a beehive in his stomach. I just ignored him.

    That's the construction site where I should find Jessie Kwon but before going there, I wished to check on those triplex building and going there, I found some loots on the left side building and I didn't check the other one.

    I came down and found this big macho crusher in another land and as soon as he noticed me, he started walking towards me. The good thing about these crushers is, they move slowly.

    I was using the toxic gas to decrease the health of the crusher and look how a normal slumber died trying to get to me and walked into the gas. So I need to avoid walking into these gas if I don't want Ryan to have the same consequence.

    That crusher kept walking towards me and I drained a lot of his blood already using those toxic gas and you can see how he looks right now. He looks like a live BBQ. As there was no gas around anymore, I had to attack him by myself but every time I was getting close to him, he was taking me down with one shot.

    This is the other triplex building that I didn't check earlier, and now that I went there to check it, I found it was filled with traps but fortunately, the zombies triggered all of them.

    I could leave this crusher behind and get to Jessie but the way it was getting me down, I took it as a challenge that I won't go without killing him and at last I killed him with several tries.

    There came more zombies right after I slayed the crusher and I slayed them down as well. And another good things about these zombies are that they don't regain the lost health when I come back at the checkpoint.

    Now that I'm done sneaking around the palace, its time I should try finding Jessie Kwon.

    I'll show what happens next later.

    I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

    This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.

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