The Ultimate Peace | Feelings from the Heart

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Imagine yourself walking outside at night. Alone. The only light outside is from the Moon and the stars. It is quiet. It is Calm. I can not understand why but somehow, life never feels as peaceful on the daytime as it does at night. The day is over, the light is gone. And somehow, all the worries, stress and responsibilities disappear in some mysterious way.


    The only thing my mind can do to understand this feeling of ultimate peace is wonder. Why does the night feel so different, so.. I can't even describe it. You have to experience this feelings to understand. Or maybe everyone feels this way but nobody talks about it? I can only wonder.

    Maybe it is an instinct or feeling we inherited from our ancestors. Days are for surviving. For hunting and gathering food. Days are for staying alive. Maybe this pressure on the daytime is the reason humankind survived. Or instead of a pressure it is our will to survive. And at night, it is all over and we can just be. Be in the moment. The nights are time to stay warm by the fire. The nights are to gaze at the stars and to reflect. The nights are to rest, to become calm and to let everything go. Life will start again when the sun rises: A new beginning and a chance to do over.

    Or maybe it is a feeling which remembers me to my teenage years. I remember when I was a teenager I could sometimes not stand it to be in the house. You probably understand, your teenage years are the times parents start to be extremely annoying and sisters who just don't understand you anymore. Home was not a place to be at peace But outside under the nightsky, it was calm. It made my head calm and somehow everything feels like it is alright. It is a time to let go of everything and to be in the moment.

    Don't understand me wrong. Daytimes often make me feel amazingly high on life. Maybe not every day is as good but you probably get what I mean. Daytimes make me truly in love with life. It makes me dream and desire. But I have never felt such an extraordinary peace at daytimes as I feel at night.

    At night, I desire to be alone with my own feelings and own thoughts. Sometimes I am wondering if I am the only human in the world who feels like this at night. I have never felt less lonely when I am on my own under the stars. My heart feels full and on a moment like that, there is nothing I would like to change.

    I can do nothing but wonder. Wonder why the nights are so extraordinary calm and peaceful. And every night, I get an other chance to experience this incredible feeling

    Thank you for reading my blog. I often write my silly feelings down but somehow, always keep them to myself. While writing this blog, I am wondering if this makes it ever out on my page. Or maybe I will keep this written feelings for myself for ever, just like the moments under the night sky.


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