Calculated Risk

in voilk •  5 months ago

    The difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman is RISK and in that risk lies the reward and sometimes great loss.

    The attached screenshot is from a game I witnessed on discord called deel or no deel. This is the final result of the second player @brijwhiz as that was when I joined the game, I had missed the first player. The ending game contained two boxes left unraveled and one of the locked boxes was chosen by the player at the beginning of the game. The board contains the amount of dreem token left in each box. Now the player is left with the option to swap or go with the initial box chosen. The risk comes in as the player do not know what dreem token is in the box and if swapping would be a smart move

    **GUESD WHAT!!! **

    He swapped and he got the bigger dreem

    We were Wowed!

    The thing with risk is that you don't just take it you have to be calculative and very smart about it which is what the game deel or no deel is all about. It is all about CALCULATED RISK AND SMART MOVE.

    The game is hosted by Captain @dreemsteem of dreemport on the dreemport discord server. You have to do a little task and also get chosen in order to be able to play.

    The game contains 26 boxes that are locked, each containing a certain amount of dreem token between 0.001 dreem to 30,0000 dreem. 430 dreem token is equivalent to 1HBD now imagine winning the grand price of 30,000 dreem and then converting it to HBD or the Hive power... Oh merry! Although no one has won the grand price of 30,000 dreem, the highest won so far is 22,550 dreem.

    The player is asked by the bot to pick a box of which is locked and becomes unavailable for the rest of the game unless the player finishes playing the game or decide to accept the Captain's deel to walk away with a certain amount of dreem offered by the captain. The amount of dreems in the boxes even that chosen by the player remains unknown until it's unravel by the player.

    The game has 9 rounds and in each round, the player gets to unravel some briefcases. Now with the rule of the game, the player needs to unravel briefcases with smaller amount of dreem tokens in order to get a higher deel from the captain as the player unraveling higher dreem token will lead to the Captain offering lower deels.

    The thing is, you do not even know what value is contained in the boxes but if you master the algorithm you might be able to get lucky guesses.

    I personally I am no entrepreneur, I am a business woman because I have never been lucky with risk, as it always ends in tears for me. Thats why when my chance came for deel or no deel, I took the captains offer and ran with it because a bird at hand is the very bird there's none in the bush.

    Now, I had wanted to shift my play date from last two Saturdays to last week Tuesday as the bot was acting up on the Saturday I played, it could not display the analysis table on the screen to guide dreemers on the chances of risk they should take. I really had wanted to play the game but then I had heard the #rememberMerit gist on how she declined so many juicy offer from the captain only to end up with a 0.03 dreem which is amongst the lowest dreem a dreemer would want to be in possession of.

    I did not want that to be me lol like I said I am no risk taker. Wednesday came as the game couldn't hold on Tuesday due to Network failure, it was time to play for those who couldn't play on Saturday I had come late and missed the first player whom from dreemers interaction I read she gave Dreemy a run for her money as she saw the game through to the end and won a huge dreem reward of 12,000 dreem.

    Secret starting the game on such note of high risk taking and benefitting enormously from it gave courage to the rest dreemers that were to play as they they all saw the game to the end.

    We had @Brijwhiz the second player taking up a whooping sum of 15k dreem. (First sets screenshot above)

    We had @emrysjobber the silent one otherwise known as #silentEmrys who did his thing without uttering a word to anyone. He also went home with 15,000 dreem by swapping his briefcase otherwise he would have ended with 30 dreem token 😂

    At a point when Emrys was playing and it got so intensed, Brij offered a hand of kindness as he said he would be gifting emrys 7,000 dreem from his deel if Emrys ends up deeling poorly.

    I think that was a really noble amd sweet thing for Brij to do and I really do apreciate him for it. Perhaps it gave Emrys the confidence to take deel or no deel head on and erase every atom of fear of failing.

    In all, it was a really good game and I am stylishly regretting why I had to be a coward but then I still had a fair deel as the briefcase I had locked was way lower than the deel Captain dreamy offered me so I'm not such a bad deeler after all lol. In addition to the #remembermerit and #remembernkem we now have #secretbrij and #silentemrys


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