Bot Model MT0D12 Called the Flathead.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The thumbnail was created in Canva.

    After a good car chase with the police, they busted me at last and I couldn't just get away doing a huge crime. Then after reloading at the checkpoint, I didn't disturb the law again, I just called my car and I started riding to meet Jackie.

    Suddenly, I noticed some armed people were doing something illegal by the road and they started shooting me when I was trespassing them and I tried speeding up my car.

    No, I didn't escape. I just left my car a little ahead and I tried finding a cover to fight them. I still haven't found a way to use all those awesome weapons that I see in this game. Using the handgun, I took all of them down which was a tough job.

    After taking them down, I went to check on them and to loot them and I noticed there were some ladies as well. You know I don't like to fight women but I had to take them down as they started fighting me first. There were some heavy weapons on the floor that I tried to pick up but all I could do was dismantle them.

    Then I rode my car fast and reached Jackie who was waiting for me on a fantastic bike that he bought recently and it was an Arch. I don't know about this bike and I didn't find it online as well probably because it's a futuristic bike.

    I let Jackie know that we gotta meet Maelstrom and we were right outside the place where we should've been I thought I'd get a chance to ride this cool bike toward the location and I tried to ride it when Jackie was going to meet our target.

    Now I was following Jackie when he was going towards that shutter that had "All Foods" written above which didn't seem like our target from outside but when the door was unlocked for us, we noticed heavy security inside.

    We had to get to the main production floor of this place and my V was saying, that he didn't remember noticing such security in a chow factory

    When we went deeper, there was this place where some armed people were relaxing and looked like they were prepared for any fight. I was thinking of taking them down but then I let them be.

    Taking an elevator, we reached the main production floor but there was this man who stopped us from going inside and was asking questions. This man was called Dum Dum and I told him we were there to trade a bot from them.

    After some more questions with rude behavior, he let us enter and asked us to sit on the couch but I ignored them, I was exploring the place, and I was surprised to see those people around.

    After I sat on the couch, Jackie refused to sit so Dum Dum started showing off his anger and my man Jackie didn't go soft as well. I asked Jackie to sit and stop fighting them and then Dum Dum offered me to smoke something special but I refused and he did it himself.

    Then the bot that we were there for came for us to check and Dum Dum tried showing it off and it looked like a bot that one can control using own mind.

    When we were talking about payment and my V said someone paid it up, Royce whom we went there for came to us and pointed his gun at me and asked us to pay again if we needed to. Then I had him at my gunpoint and the situation changed totally.

    I had three options there.

    • Paying with Militech Chip
    • Shooting Royce
    • Paying $10000 with my own money

    To avoid violence, I tried paying them with the Militech Chip.

    Royce went to his desk to check the chip and everything there was burned up as it looked like the lady of Militech was not truthful to her work. The whole place became hot like lava and we killed all those ah*s except Royce as he escaped. I tried finding him there but he was long gone and now we had to escape this place safely.

    ** The End **

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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