Trippy Thursday - Alien Chip Test

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Here is another ballpoint pen drawing for this #trippythursday
    An alien chip has been discovered in a secret cavity in the Pyramid of Giza.

    The technology far outpaces any silicon chip made by AMD or Nvidia.
    The materials are literally out of this world. It is made out of unknown elements.
    What is interesting is that it responds to users' needs on a psychic level.
    If you need it to run a game it will automatically interface with your platform and run the software at optimal levels.
    Unfortunately the Houthi Rebels got ahold of the chip and decided its best use was in a basic rocket launcher.
    The chip responded by making the guidance system of the low tech rocket 90% more accurate.
    So the Houthis duct taped the high tech chip to a low tech rocket and shot it off into the red sea.
    The chip decided that a tiny row boat would be a good target to test out the higher accuracy. Kaboom! They sunk a tiny fisherman's vessel.
    What could have advanced humanity to the next level in intergalactic travel has now been blown up for no reason.
    The designers of these advanced chips use them as a test to see which civilizations can join the intergalactic federation. Sadly the humans lost this round and will remain earth-locked forever.

    That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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