The Story Of Us: How He Became My Beautiful Accident

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello to all of you! It's me again, @kath-etcuban, prepared to tell the story of how our friends-to-lovers relationship started.

    Why Do I Find Our Story Interesting?🤍

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    We've all heard stories about friends becoming lovers, but what makes our story so special? It's the playful hand of destiny; wherever I go, whichever path I choose, it leads me back to him, even the ones I took to forget him. He's my favorite plot twist in our story.

    How It All Started?🚪


    Let's rewind to July 2019 when classes resumed in Naga National High School. I, a grade 8 student at the time, noticed Sean, an introverted boy, standing in front of the classroom door. He always had a handkerchief covering his mouth and nose. Despite our introverted tendencies, I approached him with a direct question: "Are you from section Arbor?" He simply nodded, marking an awkward moment for us. As classmates in section Arbor, an unexpected placement for me, we waited for others to arrive. Little did I know, this encounter marked the beginning of our story.

    He Fell First👍


    As time passed, Sean, his cousin Khariz, and I became inseparable friends, evolving into BFFs. Initially, I harbored no romantic feelings for Sean, but he developed them for me. As TechVoc students, Sean and Khariz were usually dismissed first from their ICT major, while I spent extra time in my Garments major. Once, when Khariz lost patience waiting for me, Sean insisted on waiting, prompting Khariz to question Sean's feelings for me. Unable to answer, Sean realized he was falling in love without even knowing it himself.

    My Beloved Section Arbor🥰


    Nothing is more perfect than the year 2019. It was filled with happy memories, and everything felt normal; nothing beats that wonderful year for me. The second year of high school holds a special place in my heart because, initially, I wasn't happy being in the first section. I was afraid of the high expectations the teachers had for us. However, it was during that time that I met him. My doubts turned into gratefulness. I fell in love with him because he's not just smart and very handsome, but he's also like my prince charming, saving me from sadness caused by my own disappointments. I felt like I wasn't good enough for that section, yet he was always there for me, never judging. He comforted me through everything, boosting my confidence, especially during performance tasks, which were my weakness due to my lack of confidence. Everything felt bearable because he was by my side, leading me to realize day by day that I was falling in love with my best friend.

    Last Day As Grade 8 Students🥲


    This picture was taken on the last day of class when we were in grade 8. We were wandering around Naga Plaza and the boardwalk to cherish the last day, as we might not be classmates in grade 9. Our classmates always teased us and shipped us because they sensed something between us. They even said we were a good match and looked good together.

    As you can see from the picture, two high schoolers are having that awkward moment of being in love or going through a crush era phase. Throughout grade 8, I thought I was the only one falling in love. I experienced many heartbreaks because he was friendly with others, and I thought I was special. He seemed insensitive to my feelings and intentions, which led me to admire him from afar until my feelings faded.

    I thought I had no chance with him because he changed after our classmates teased us. He distanced himself, and so did I. Little did I know, he was just shy, and from his point of view, he thought I was avoiding him and didn't like him.

    Moving Up, Moving On💀



    We remained classmates until we completed high school, our friendship remained intact, and I finally accepted the fact that we were destined to be friends, not lovers. I let go of my fantasy hopes for him, which took me years to do. I believe it was the right decision because I didn't want to risk losing the friendship we had.

    During our farewell party in grade 10, our adviser urged us to confess our crushes. Some classmates didn't keep quiet about it, as some of them knew about our story. They told our adviser that my crush was Sean and that Sean also had a crush on me. One of my classmates advised me not to deny it, as it had been known for a long time and there was no reason to deny it. I remained silent at that moment and felt uncomfortable, especially when he honestly responded that he didn't have a crush on me. I was embarrassed and ended up crying in the classroom's comfort room after that. It hurt me deeply to hear those words because I had been hoping for something that wasn't real. I rejected other suitors because I believed he would eventually confess his feelings for me, as I could sense that he also loved me. But it turned out he didn't. That's why I decided to stop and force myself to move on and accept everything, prioritizing my peace because he was unknowingly causing me pain.

    Ex ❌

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    In grade 11, I accepted one of my suitors, and he became my first boyfriend. He reminded me of Sean because he was introverted, but unlike Sean, he wasn't afraid or shy to show his love for me. I learned to love him because he showed how genuine his love was. He put in a lot of effort, especially when giving me gifts and buying things and food I liked. He also made me origami flowers every month for our monthsary.

    However, as time passed, he became controlling and said hurtful things to me as a woman. It disappointed me because I thought he was different from others. I also realized I wasn't in love; I was just infatuated. I could relate to the song "Thinking of You" by Katy Perry because even when I was with him, I still thought of Sean. At that time, I asked God for forgiveness for finding myself in this situation and hoped I could get through it. I also asked Him if He could give me someone whom I could reciprocate love with, someone to love and who would love me in return.

    I even wrote a short song about Sean, titled "Resurgence." It started as a poem, but I turned it into a song. I thought my ex was different, when I wrote this song back then.

    Verse 1:
    You're still my favorite character
    In my untold story, forevermore
    Meeting you was a nice dream, so surreal
    But now it's time to wake up and heal
    Even though my heart's still loving you
    I'll never choose you again, it's true
    This guy treats me so much better, it's clear
    But life without you, it just feels wrong, my dear
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    I'm moving on, letting go
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Embracing a love that will grow

    That song seems toxic, though. I also realized I was becoming toxic in our relationship, not just him. So, I decided to end it on August 9, 2023. Our relationship only lasted for ten months.

    Finally Clean☁️💙


    After my breakup, I was single for 5 months. It was a tough time, but I started to find myself again. During that time, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Each day felt like a step towards clarity and liberation from the emotional baggage of my past. And Taylor Swift's song "Clean" became my anthem. Its lyrics resonated deeply with my experiences of letting go, finding closure, and embracing newfound independence. From the cleansing rain to the feeling of renewal, the song mirrored my own journey towards emotional freedom and inner peace. Through its empowering melodies, "Clean" became a comforting reminder that moving on doesn't happen overnight, but with time and self-love, I emerged stronger and ready to embrace new beginnings.

    Moment of Truth🤯

    Sean, Khariz, and I remained friends and surprisingly still classmates since grade 8 and we're now in grade 12. I thought he would transfer to another school for senior high after we moved up, but that didn't happen because of some reason. I thought my feelings for Sean were gone, and I had moved on, but I was wrong. They resurfaced when I heard rumors that he still loved me. I was confused because he denied it back when we were in grade 10 during the farewell party. It turned out he was just shy at the time and not ready to confess his feelings in front of me. He couldn't bring himself to say it. My friend told me that he said he was devastated for not taking the risk, feeling like he was too late, and regretting it deeply. He thinks he had no chance with me when, in fact, he's all I've ever wanted. After hearing his side, I realized that we still had feelings for each other after all those years.


    He didn't confess his feelings to me right away; instead, he simply made moves for me to interpret. Our conversations eventually led us to realize that we still loved each other and that our feelings hadn't changed since grade 8.

    Sean finally took the chance and risked it. He courted me on December 28, 2023. He genuinely courted me in person and even kissed my forehead. I can't explain how I felt that night. All those days of being crazy and dreaming of him being mine were actually leading to this moment, planned in the future without me knowing it. He's my dream guy, and he made that dream come true. I've never had a dream come true until the day I found him. He truly added meaning to my life.

    I Said Yes☺️


    On January 25, 2024, after the entrance examination at Cebu Normal University, I said yes to him. It was also the day I had my first kiss. I promised myself that I would only share my first kiss with the right person at the right time, when I turned 18. I'm glad he was my first kiss because it was something I had only dreamed of before. He may not have been my first boyfriend, but he's my greatest love, and now we're officially together.

    Wish Granted✨💫


    God answered my prayers, and it's Sean. I won't get tired of thanking God for giving me Sean, my best friend and my lover. He understands me better than anyone else. He gave me a love that no one can replace. At one point, I nearly believed that the world could be as gentle as the touch of his hands. He will always be my favorite plot twist. I'm lucky that I fell in love with my best friend, turning him into my beautiful accident.

    Thank you for reading my blog about our journey together. I truly appreciate it. Please continue to show your support. Until my next blog, take care and see you then!

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