More than half a century ago the Fairy Piri visited the lands of "Santa Maria da Feira" which was under the reign of the Moors, seeing that the Portuguese were eager to recover their lost lands, she granted them a wish! That wish was that King Bermudo III would fight a battle which would be victorious because he had the Fairy Piri under his command, who with her magic made the Portuguese army expel the Moors from the fortification in the year 1045, and it is here that the history of an important medieval city is born, join me in this experience.π°ππ
Hace mas de medio siglo el Hada Piri visito las tierras de "Santa Maria da Feira" la cual se encontraba bajo el reinado de los Moros, al ver que los Portugueses anhelaban con ansias recuperar sus tierras perdidas les concedio un deseo! aquel deseo era que el rey Bermudo III librase una batalla la cual saldria victorioso porque tenia bajo el mando la Hada Piri quien con su magia hizo que el ejercito Portugueses expulsaran los Moros de la fortificacion en el ano 1045, y es aqui que nace la historia de una importante ciudad medieval, acompaname en esta experiencia. πΈπ»ππ§π»π§π»ββοΈπ§π»ββοΈ

The appearance of Piriπ§π»ββοΈπ/La aparicion de Piriπ©π°

To know the history of Piri Castle we must go back hundreds of years into the past until we reach the Bronze Age, when a civilization called the Lusitanians inhabited the entire region of "Santa Maria da Feira", these people were dedicated to hunting and agriculture, and they became the owners of many parts of Portugal for hundreds of years, until the arrival of the Romans, a people that Piri also accompanied.πΉπ
Para conocer la historia del castillo de Piri debemos retroceder cientos de anos en el pasado hasta llegar a la era de bronce, fue cuando una civilizacion llamada lusitanos habitaron toda la region de "Santa Maria da Feira", ese pueblo se dedicaba a la caza y agricultura, y se hicieron los duenos de muchas partes de Portugal por cientos de anos, hasta la llegada de los Romanos, un pueblo que Piri tambien acompano.π°π

Piri was a very special Fairy because she only appeared and helped a people who believed in Christianity, she accompanied several civilizations but did not reveal her true identity or power to any of them, as the years passed the Portuguese appeared, a special people who began to believe in Christianity as a religion and to demonstrate their passion for this practice began to build churches all over the country, it happened that in an era called: (Christian reconquests) the Arabs lived in "Santa Maria da Feira" but Piri did not like them because of their doctrine, so she joined with the Portuguese people and battles were fought in the era of the reconquests that would make Portugal take over all these lands and Piri liked that.πΈπ»π
Piri era una Hada muy especial porque solo aparecia y ayudaba a un pueblo que creia en el Cristianismo, fue acompanando varias civilizaciones pero a ninguna le revelo su verdadera identidad o poder, al pasar los anos aparecen los Portugueses un pueblo especial que comenzo a creer en el Cristianismo como religion y para demostrar su pasion por esta practica comenzo a construir iglesias por todo el pais, ocurrio que en una era llamada: (reconquistas cristianas) los arabes vivian en "Santa Maria da Feira" pero Piri no gustaba de ellos por su doctrina, entonces se unio con el pueblo Portugues y se libraron batallas en la era de la reconquistas que haria que Portugal se aduenara de todas estas tierras y eso a Piri le agrado.π§π»π

The Duke of "Santa Maria da Feira" in the year 1026 was in charge of recovering the lands of Portugal that were in the hands of the Arabs, one day he was lying down and Piri appeared to him indicating that he should not give up that she should use her magic in the army to be able to take the fortification with the promise that an altar would be built for her next to the castle, the next morning Duke Bermudo III went to fight and conquered the fortress, fortified it and remained in the power of the Portuguese for many years.π§π»ββοΈπ
El duque de "Santa Maria da Feira" en el ano 1026 fue el encargado de recuperar las tierras de Portugal que estaban a mano de los Arabes, un dia estaba acostado y Piri se le aparecio indicandole que no desista que ella usara su magia en el ejercito para poder tomar la fortificacion con la promesa que se construyese un altar para ella al lado del castillo, a la manana siguiente el duque Bermudo III fue a pelear y conquisto la fortaleza, la fortifico y permanecio en el poder de los Portugueses por muchos anos.π«

By settling in "Santa Maria da Feira" the duke kept his promise and in the year 1046 he built a Christian chapel where Piri could live for all eternity since people believed in her power and went to the chapel to pray to her and fill her with power with the magic of faith. Every year a party is held in homage to Piri inside and outside the castle to maintain the memory that everything that happened here was thanks to her magic.π§π»ββοΈπ°π
Al establecerse en "Santa Maria da Feira" el duque cumplio su promesa y en el ano 1046 construyo una capilla cristiana donde Piri pudo vivir por toda la eternidad ya que las personas creian en el poder de ella y se trasladaban a la capilla a rezarle y llenarla de poder con la magia de la fe, todos los anos se hace una fiesta en homenaje a Piri dentro y fuera del castillo para mantener el recuerdo que todo lo que sucedio aqui fue gracias a su magia.π§π»ββοΈπ
Piri helps Henriqueπ§π»ββοΈπ/Piri ayuda a Henriqueπ©π°

Henry the Conquerorπ«
In the medieval era Portugal went through the monarchy, a period where the kings were the ones who made the most important decisions for the people, Piri liked many of them because they believed in her and many of their battles were in homage to Piri, but the Fairy had a great affection for the knight Henrique called the conqueror, because he had a faith too great, Piri had never felt a faith like that of D. Henrique and gave him all his power so that he could take the Portuguese lands from the Spanish who were an evil people.π§π«
En la era medieval Portugal paso por la monarquia, un periodo donde los reyes eran quienes tomaban las decisiones mas importantes para el pueblo, Piri gustaba de muchos de ellos porque creian en ella y muchas de sus batallas las hacian en homenaje a Piri, pero la Hada tenia un gran afecto por el caballero Henrique llamado el conquistador, porque tenia una fe demasiado grande, Piri nunca habia sentido una fe como la de D. Henrique y le dio todo su poder para que pudiese quitarle las tierras portuguesas a los espanoles quienes eran un pueblo malo.ππ

The true independence of Portugalπ§π»ββοΈπ/La verdadera independencia de Portugalπ©π°

The power that Piri granted to the castle was so great that it is considered to be the true monument where the independence of Portugal was formed because it was here that many political matters involving the independence of Spain were carried out.ππ§π»ββοΈπ°
El poder que Piri concedio al castillo fue tan grande que se considera que fue el verdadero monumento donde se formo la independencia de Portugal porque fue aqui que se llevaron a cabo muchos asuntos politicos que envuelven la independencia de Espana.ππ§π»ββοΈ

Currently, every Christmas day a party is celebrated in honor of Piri so that all the families from all over the world can come and visit this beautiful historic fortress full of great blessings thanks to the fairy Piri who to this day keeps her faith behind the walls!π°π
Actualmente todos los dias de natal se celebra una fiesta en homenaje a Piri para que todas las familias del mundo entero puedan venir y visitar esta hermosa fortaleza historica llena de grandes bendiciones gracias al hada Piri quien hasta el dia de hoy permanece su fe detras de los muros!ππ

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