Time management became an issue

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The problem is the part of life and there is no one who has no problem. It doesn't matter how hard we try to avoid it, it's nearly impossible but we can go ahead by solving the problem. If there is a problem then, obviously there is a solution. The difference is that sometimes we find the solution early and sometimes we take a long time for it.

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    There are some things which can be a problem for someone and again at the same time it can be nothing like a problem for someone. It mostly depends on how we think about it. Having a positive mindset is very helpful in avoiding various kinds of problems. If I have a positive mindset, I won't consider everything as a problem. Finance is one of the best examples of it. Most people used to think that they have a problem related to finance even if they are rich. In case of mine, my financial background is nothing impressive but I don't think it is a problem because our current financial status is enough to lead a moderately comfortable life.

    It's indeed difficult to find a problem for me because as well as I can remember I am not encountering any kind of problem at the current time. So I started to think deeply and I figured out a problem and the problem is related to time management.

    I hope all of you already acknowledge that my exam is ongoing and today my theory exam was finished. I thought I got relieved from it but it's not actually. My theory exam is finished which means my practical class will occur. Practical class naturally takes 3-6 hours based on experiments. But the good thing is that I don't need to give too much time to study at home for practicals. Again I need to write a research paper and before writing it I need to go to a place which is far from my current location several times to collect some data. After getting all the information and data I need to go through several procedures to complete the research paper. So I need to give a good amount of time for writing the research paper. If the research paper and practical was the thing, it could be managed easily but you also need to consider that it's the time of Ramadan and I need to give a good amount of time for my prayers as it's the most important month from the religious perspective. For fasting, I need to wake up at approximately 4.00 to take my saheri (food taken before starting fasting within a specific time).

    The imbalance is automatically created in case of sleep continuing everything can easily make me tired especially if I go to university in the daytime because my University is 22 km from my current location and the journey can make me tired easily. And if I become tired I need more time for resting. Again for the Eid ul Fitr, I need to go to the shopping complex to buy new clothes for me and my family members which is also time-consuming. At least several days I need to go to the shopping complex for shopping. All the things I need to do in the upcoming few days at the same time and I still don't know how I will be able to manage the time. Moreover, I need to remain active in the Hive platform as it's also important for me. I just feel It would be better if I could extend the time. Although I don't know the solution yet, I will figure it out within 2 days. I just need to think about it with a relaxed mind.

    So, currently, I am the one who is facing a problem with the management of time as I have only 24 hours in a day. I know I am not going to find the solution easily but somehow it will be managed and I believe it will be the best way to manage my time.

    If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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