Ethan’s Strength

in voilk •  4 months ago

    “One day, you will realise how beneficial fruits are to your body,” Mrs. Thomas said to her son.

    After the birth of Ethan, there was no other child that has been able to beat his weights record; he was born big and strong. Many people continue to question Mr. and Mrs. Thomas about her diet when she was pregnant, but her answer remains the same: "I had lots of fruits."

    It has been three years, and neighbours still come to make inquiries about Mrs. Thomas when they get pregnant. “Here they come again,” Mr. Thomas said after looking through his window. He saw some neighbours walking towards his balcony. It has been 3 years, and Ethan continues to grow big and strong, but he refuses to eat his vegetables. Ethan was picky when it came to food; he was very stubborn and wouldn’t eat any vegetables given to him by his parents.

    “Knock knock,” the disturbing sound came from the balcony door. Mr. Thomas stood up immediately and told his wife, “In case I’m being asked for, I’m upstairs and sleeping or I’m not at home, ok?” Mrs. Thomas smiled and nodded her head. She knew how her husband had been trying to avoid conversations with their neighbours since the last conversation they had.

    ”I’m serious now; she mostly took fruit when she was pregnant; why would she take steroids?” Mr. Thomas defended his wife after the neighbours accused her of taking other supplements during her pregnancy. Ethan was just three months old then.

    She heard the knock again, then made her way to welcome her neighbours in. After a few exchanges of words, they left.

    Ethan's dislike for vegetables was so strong that he even hid them under his bed or fed them to the family dog when his parents weren't looking. His parents grew increasingly worried about his health and knew something had to change.

    One sunny day, Mrs. Thomas took Ethan to visit his grandfather's farm on the outskirts of town. As they walked through the lush fields, Ethan marvelled at the vibrant colours of the crops. He saw rows of tall, green broccoli, juicy red tomatoes, and bright orange carrots poking out from the ground, but what got his attention the most was the prickled cucumber.

    They met his grandfather on the farm working, and Ethan marvelled at the strength of his grandfather. Immediately after his grandfather sighted them on the farm, he stopped his work and rushed towards them. Ethan left his mother and ran towards his grandfather. As he got closer to him, his grandfather picked him up and threw him into the air, then caught him again.

    “Grandpa, how are you so strong?” Ethan asked, his eyes shining so brightly with curiosity in them. Well, my boy, I eat a lot of prickled cucumber. “I knew it,” Ethan said before his grandfather could finish his statement. “One day you will realise how beneficial fruits are to your body. You can see how strong Grandpa is. Do you want to be strong like him?” Mrs. Thomas said that Ethan nodded his head, and since that day he has become a fan of eating all his vegetables, and he has grown up stronger and healthier.


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    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. You can always tell kids who refuse to eat their veggies this story😊😊. Have a great day.

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