Conservative outlets clickbaiting on nearly every article

in voilk •  5 months ago

    For the most part I feel as though liberal media is far more disingenuous than conservative media. This probably stems from the fact that most of the media is liberal more so than either one being better or worse than the other. They are in my opinion and millions of other people's, two sides of the same coin IE: They are both completely full of shit.

    While I consider myself a conservative, that doesn't mean that I like for "fake news" to exist on only the side I more identify with. Crap, clickbait article titles are making the public dumber and more uninformed than ever because a lot of people don't actually read the articles that they are scanning past on their feed, whatever that feed might be.

    Many of these stories are worded is such a way to get you angry and therefore click on the article in question, presumably to earn ad revenue or something. Whatever, I don't understand how any of these guys are still in business but the problem is that most people these days read the headline, get angry, then run around telling other people about what they "saw in the news" and treat it as fact.


    Fearless report, which is one of the most popular conservative news aggregates is especially guilty of this. People who just look at the notification will go on with their day presuming that Democrats are up to their usual dirty tricks of eliminating Trump from a ballot. However, if they actually went to the article in question they would see that the court actually dismissed a request to have Trump removed from the ballot.... meaning, in case someone out there is a bit slow, that he is STILL on that ballot and the court in question didn't even have a proceeding for it because it was an absurd case put forth by someone that is merely seeking notoriety for themselves. There are similar cases all across the USA right now and the courts rightfully dismiss them because they are nonsense.

    However, since most people never read the article they simply get more infuriated and stay less informed... well, not that reading the actual article was going to present all the facts anyway, even if you do want what it says to be true.

    You don't have to search much further in Fearless Report to see that they do this same trick with nearly every article they link to.


    Trump supporters really dislike Adam Schiff right? I don't even remember why. Probably something to do with an impeachment or because he has crazy eyes. However, once again if you actually read the article in question you will see that Schiff is still quite comfortably in first place as far as this race is concerned. They even mistakenly used the words "18th spot" instead of "18 %" when referring to how much support Republican Steve Garvey has in polls. Mixing up those quite different words just shows that these MSM outlets don't really actually give a damn about what they put out there anymore. I was an editor in college for a fledgling newspaper and I would be severely reprimanded or perhaps relieved from my position for missing such an obvious mistake before going to print.


    Here's another one although honestly, you could spin the wheel that is Fearless Report's feed and basically all of them are just as intentionally misleading. Once again, if someone were to merely read the article in question they would see that there is no record of Obama having ever said anything of the sort. Instead they constantly use this phrase: "according to insiders."

    Insiders you say? Well that sounds credible! If there is a conservative out there that is giving this sort of nonsense any credibility then maybe they need to remember how upset they were about all the "insiders" that were connecting Trump to Putin or of Trump getting peed on in an elevator or something like that in London or wherever it was.

    Unnamed "insiders" is the journalistic equivalent of "word on the street is..." and it doesn't uphold any sort of journalistic integrity whatsoever.

    But then again, I suppose that this is kind of just the norm in news these days. You are better off just not reading the news and making up wild presumptions on your own... because you are just as likely to have correct information doing that.

    Media is a joke these days and things are only going to get more absurd as 2024 rages on. I enjoy it because it is humorous to see the lengths that these liars will go to in order to keep their readers-who-don't-even-read-all-of-what-they-write misinformed and angry. Do yourself a favor and just switch off to all of it!


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