Walang sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius)

in voilk •  last month

    This insect, which is classified as a plant pest because it sucks the essence of fruit or seeds, is able to defend itself by emitting an unpleasant aroma that stings the nose. People in my area call it walang sangit. Walang comes from the words grasshopper and sangit, meaning an unpleasant aroma that comes from an object.

    Location Bogor Regency, West Java Indonesia
    Date 02-12-2025
    ID 261419543
    IDUU c11ab094-57c0-4987-8a5b-2e8a9cfd5d3d
    Original link https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/261419543

    The stink bug in the scientific language Leptocorisa Oratorius is usually present in the fruit or seeds of the plant when the fruit or seeds of the plant are still young. By using a needle-shaped tool in its mouth, this species sucks the essence of the fruit or seeds so that when the fruit or seeds are supposed to be filled, they become empty or what people in my village call it gabug (gabug = empty without content).

    Usually, to eradicate this type of insect, rice farmers spray pesticides. But sometimes excessive use of pesticides causes other species to be killed.

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