Five minutes freewrite | the denial

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    John was a very rich business man who was very rich and as a result of this he was very much attracted to beautiful girls and this had been his attitude right from his youthful age

    And when he had grown to become an elderly man he married two wife's which were Elizabeth the first wife and Lucy the second wife, but as cowifes the didn't like each other and they couldn't do anything bout it because their husband was a very rich man.

    So all they could do was to compete within themselves on who would capture their husbands heart the most so as a result of this they was an hidden rivary amongst them both

    So one day when Elizabeth was cooking soup for her husband Lucy on the other hand was inside they house and their husband was relaxing outside so Lucy used the opportunity to take John's staff and go and kept it in Elizabeth's room

    She knew that when John her husband would come and look for it and then finds it in Elizabeth's room that he would be very angry with her, so after Elizabeth had finished cooking dinner was ready but John came inside looking for his staff of honour as he always call it

    But he couldn't find it so he ordered his wife's to look for it then Lucy called John to come and see it in Elizabeth's room when John went and saw it he was very angry and for that he stop paying attention to Elizabeth

    And with lots of curiosity Elizabeth approaches Lucy and asked her if she was the one that kept the staff in her room in other to frame her, but Lucy deny the incident and claimed to be innocent.

    So the denial caused Elizabeth her rightful place in her husband house as being the first wife and the most cherish wife because of that her husband stop caring for her and even stop eating her own prepared food

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