Its history; Mini vegetable garden in a vehicle rubber/Wonders of nature

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Warm greetings to all those hives that are part of the community @hivegarden, to the friends who love nature and in this case the gardens of all types, sizes, places, spaces and others.
    I would like to share with you how the "mini garden* was formed, I call it that way because I did not expect it.


    It all started being a car rubber, where I had sowing the malojillo plant, as we had to change place I had to move it and take it out to transplant in another space, leaving only rubber and soil only, then I started throwing all the waste of vegetables such as: sweet bell pepper seeds, tomatoes, paprika, pills. As usual I watered them every morning and in the afternoon, to prepare them as fertilizer, with the days I begin to see how the seeds germinated 😱, the chives.

    Así inicio el mini jardín de vegetales cebollín y ají dulce



    They became more and more populated until they formed a beautiful mini garden of vegetables and fruits, so far the snail plague has not gotten into them, I currently have pastillas, tomato, chives with flowers and all, chili, etc.. I am very excited because they are coming in full bloom and with harvest and everything.

    In this has formed the mini garden, beautiful and lush plants, In this has formed the mini garden, beautiful and lush plants.Patilla, chili, tomato and chives







    I love ♥️ what I do and I dedicate and dedicate their time, no matter the size of the space we have at home, the plants are faithful to the care and love with which they are treated, I am excited very soon I will have the fruit of each of them, as a reward for the care I gave them 😁, I sincerely did not think that what one day throw waste in a rubber without expecting anything in return, in time gave me the result and soon the reward.

    Thank you for your attention, I invite you to stop by and read me, see the wonders of nature, the photos are my property and the translator I use is Deepl

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