WLD, Blockchain Identity Project Goes up in Price

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Technology advances, solutions and innovations that we have seen in science fiction movies may be closer than we expect, in addition, the uses of blockchain as well as artificial intelligence are too big to ignore. Sometimes technological leaps are a bit scary and it is something natural, we are usually afraid of something unknown or very new, besides, there will always be doubts about what can cause that technology that can change the world in the wrong hands. That may be the controversy around Worldcoin and a project to determine the identity of all mankind.


    This is a project that has been known for several years now, where I am, this project is more known for the controversy it generates than for the technology or innovation it may represent, although being honest, this proposal and the news do make us reflect, so everyone is free to position themselves for and against Worldcoin.

    What is Worldcoin?

    In a few words, this is a cryptocurrency that allows to create a code for each person who registers on the network, the registration is through a device called Orb that scans the iris of the eye of people. This fact of scanning something as sensitive as the unique iris of each person is what makes the project involves some distrust among people.

    This project seeks to be a platform to store the unique identity of all the inhabitants of the earth, using its cryptoasset as an alternative model to the world economic system, ensuring the personal and unique record of each human being. Certainly, it is an ambitious project and scanning the eyes of every human being on the planet is not a simple task, however, there is a community that is already interested and using the functionalities of Worldcoin.


    Money by Scanning the Iris of the Eye

    One of the issues that arouse controversy and even suspicion is the fact that by scanning the iris and receiving money in return, that is the strategy of this project, although the truth is that the payment is made in Worldcoin (WLD) this already starts the movement of this currency, as it can be sold or exchanged among other people on the network.

    If we put this in perspective, perhaps in developed countries it is not taken as important, perhaps most people seek to investigate a little more about this project, however, in countries like India, or Kenya has caused a stir by having crowded streets of people who wish to receive payment for entering the network (scan their iris).

    Even the Kenyan government banned this project and even raided the project's warehouses to avoid further uproar. In Spain, on the other hand, it is striking that a significant percentage of those who receive money for iris scanning are minors, perhaps without knowing what the project is about, but taking advantage of the economic benefit it could mean (around 100 euros).

    This type of aspect can be seen as taking advantage of people's economic situation to experiment with their personal data and personally, I think that many people will lend themselves to this without knowing absolutely nothing about the project.


    Sensitive Data

    One of the aspects that many people put in the balance to participate in this project is that the personal code or the iris of the eye can be used for less friendly purposes, although the project mentions that the iris image cannot be generated from the code, others claim that it can, so there is a debate about a personal and sensitive aspect of each person.

    Despite this, we must keep in mind that companies have all our data, they even know what we want and what we like to see, they play with our personal information at total disposal, however, we cannot leave aside the issue of security and that personal information is used for other purposes, at least this is one of the discomfort that is generated when reading the news about this project.

    Another aspect that influences is that it is a private company, so many governments will be against something they feel belongs to them, our personal data. So there may be a lot of controversy among governments over this type of project.


    Personal data and Artificial Intelligence

    Another curious fact about Worldcoin is that it is managed by Sam Altman, who built ChatGPT, so thinking about sensitive and personal data with the power of artificial intelligence, can be a great literary resource for any writer of science fiction novels and dystopian scenarios, despite all this this this project is gaining much acceptance among people.


    Rise of the Worldcoin

    Despite the fact that this is not very new news, attention has been placed on this project due to the price rise of WLD in the market.

    In a matter of days this upward momentum allowed it to reach a growth point of up to 250%, going from just over $2 to almost touching a ceiling at $8. This movement is too new to be able to speculate on the future, however, seeing how the price has behaved in recent months, it seems that there are people who bet on this project over identity, perhaps knowing that it is an innovative but necessary aspect in our technological society.

    Possibly, there will be more news related to Worldcoin, between controversy and innovation surely opinions will be divided, however, personally I think that sooner or later the identity of people will be in the blockchain technology, if it is within Worldcoin, I do not know, but it is a matter of time for our society to evolve and leave the paper documents as a story of the past.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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