But, Do T.H.E.Y. Care About People With Torches and Pitchforks?

in voilk •  6 days ago


    A scam only works while there are people who cannot see through the scam.

    When the lights are off, the roaches rule the kitchen, but when they come on, everything changes.

    And, this is what is happening in our world today.
    T.H.E.Y., those mother WEFers have been playing us for so long, T.H.E.Y. think they are in charge, and have all the power. (but T.H.E.Y. still want more)

    But, what are T.H.E.Y. afraid of? Just like the old vampire movies, T.H.E.Y. are afraid of the townsfolk figuring out that T.H.E.Y. are the bad guys, and come storming the castle.

    There will not be a place on Earth where T.H.E.Y. will be able to hide.

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    Child trafficking

    These vampires like to suck the blood of young children. And there is a large network, that supplies this.

    Everyone knows the phrase "blue bloods" which people usually use as a synonym for aristocracy, or the upper, upper class. Imagine if these people actually had copper based blood. They would bleed bluish, and they would need iron and other nutrients, that could found in red blood. Think about this with all of the really old stories in mind.

    Children (as a commodity) have tons of uses:

    • Spare body parts (China will get you donated organs, and if it fails, they will get you another replacement)
    • Blood / Adrenochrome
    • Black mail material - Find people with sick fantasies and delusions of grandeur. Get them elected.
    • Sacrifices to Moloch
    • And several more, but i have gotten too dark…

    Every large town has a cache of children for these sick people's needs.
    EVERY! large town.

    And we have a group that transports children around. They say that they protect children, but they do much more harm then good. And do door-to-door delivery.

    This is already coming out. And, it will get much darker.

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    Central Bank Created Fiat Currency

    A huge portion of our labor is sucked off by the banksters creating money out of thin air. And, we do not know yet, that a huge portion of fiat notes are created to pay for secrecy.

    We all know the spy stories of bribing someone to spy on that other govern-cement and pass back all the info. And this does happen.

    However, we spend a lot more money to keep people quiet and doing what they are told.

    • Judges
    • Lawyers
    • Politicians
    • Scientists (like those at Area 51)
    • Archaeologists (like those in Antarctica)
    • Astro-nots (like the actors at NASA)

    All of these people are continuously paid to stay quiet.
    Further, those people that enforce the quiet keeping have to get paid.

    Remember those whistle blowers at Boing? Or Clintonians "friends" who decided to shorten their lives?


    That's a LOT of money, and you and me pay for it. And it is the reason why Rotschild doesn't care who makes the laws.

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    JFK, ISIS, 9-11, UFOs…

    The problem isn't the conspiracy theories, half of them were made up by the Cocain Import Agency, but it is in finding out how much was spent on covering stuff up.

    You know what is coming out in the recently released JFK files? Corruption. People using the "slush fund" to keep things quiet were making up reports and witnesses so that they could fund their homes and lifestyles. It is all black-budget, right? So, why not get yourself some of that money? No one can really come and question you without uncovering everything else.

    We will probably never know the truth (because, those agencies rarely keep those files anywhere where anyone can find) but we will find so much corruption that it will boggle the mind. (even more than conspiracy theories boggle people's minds)

    Hidden in Plain Sight seems to be the motto of secret societies. So, it is all right there if you really want to look, however, what is really hidden is the budgets. And this is what is going to come out soon.

    And, oh yes, a lot of these secrets are going to come out too. Like, everything in the Vatican gets published online. And aliens show up and talk to people, and tell us about what happened in earlier visitations. And other things like that.

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    What is really going to come out is that it really isn't a conspiracy theory that T.H.E.Y. are trying to kill us.

    When people start realizing that they are losing their minds from the VAXXX, people will start seeking justice. And since that cannot be found in a court (legal immunity) it will be found on a lamppost.

    When it is found out that T.H.E.Y. really do intend to feed us bugz, and keep us sick, and under control, then many are going to find themselves hunted down no matter where they are in the world.

    Billy Gatez will have his farmland stripped from him, and his crimes laid bare.

    Dr. Fraudchi will have so many people after him, that Lost Wages will be having bets on when/who gets him first.

    There just comes a time when enough people realize just how bad these blue-blooded-creatures are, and how much damage that T.H.E.Y. have caused, and people will not put up with it anymore.

    Underground bunkers WILL BE dug up. (my thoughts are to bury them in concrete, but angry mobs rarely listen to the easy solutions)

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    All images in this post are my own original creations.

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