5 minute freewrite 2295 prompt the soft one

in voilk •  5 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2295 prompt the soft one hosted by @mariannewest

    I used the picture of sailcats because I am writing about snot and they are the snottiest fish that swim in our river, you can see a wad of it on top of the head of a couple of them. When you touch one of these fish, your hand will be covered in a slime that you can not sling off.

    This is the snot from the sailcats, it is what I wash out of my fish cooler. I am glad that I am not coughing up this.

    Whoever gave snot/mucus its name knew what they were doing because there is no other word that would give it justice, and why does spellcheck want me to give snot a capital s? Snot only deserves to be capitalized when you start a sentence with it, other than that it is not worthy.

    So, I got to wondering just what the heck is snot and I was surprised to find out that it is beneficial for us, it acts like flypaper to trap inhaled germs, allergens, and dust before they can cause harm. In addition to being sticky,snot is loaded with antiviral and antibacterial proteins that fight off germs.**

    My question is if snot is loaded with antiviral and antibacterial proteins, then why are we blowing it all into a tissue or coughing it up?

    Snot can come in two forms, the hard one is when it dries out and turns to boogers they're a combination of mucus, dirt, air pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and dead skin cells that get captured by our nose hairs, and then dries out. The mucus in our nose collects these harmful germs and substances and keeps them from getting too far into our bodies where they can make us sick and the soft one is the kind you blow out your nose. FYI they say to not pick your boogers, they are there to keep bad things from entering your body, and the soft one is the kind you blow out your nose.

    It can also be different colors meaning different things, if it looks green or yellow, this is a sign of infection, but people with allergies would have white snot or mucus. Black or brown snot is a sign that you need to quit smoking, I bet my daughter's mucus is this color.

    I was surprised at this fact
    What color snot is most contagious?
    Children with clear mucous at the beginning of a cold are most contagious. Green nasal mucus (usually found toward the end of the cold) is less contagious than clear mucus. A runny nose usually starts with clear mucus which then becomes whitish or green- ish as the cold dries up and gets better.

    Once in a while, I will cough up a ball of pale yellow mucus, I think this would mean that I am starting to get an infection from this cold. I still have not found where I put the COVID test that I put away for safekeeping, I do not have a fever, no vomiting, or bathroom runs, just a cough and runny nose. So I do not think I have COVID. I would like to take the test so I can shut my husband up. He thinks that I caught my cold from my daughter even though a doctor said she has COPD, he was upset that they did not test her for COVID. I told him that I think if they thought she had it, they would have put masks on and tested her. In his mind we are both sick so we must have the same thing, I do not feel good and I swear sometimes THAT MAN makes me want to scream!!!

    photos are mine
    darker words are from Google quick searches

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