Experiencing Adulthood Helps us Appreciate Parenthood

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Growing up in my early teens, I had always fantasized about how my adulthood would be, being free to be able to at least make decisions for myself, choose what I wanted to eat, get the privileges of going out and coming back home at the time I would choose to, being able to get what I wanted without going through the trouble of explaining to someone why I need it and of what use it would be to me and break free from what I thought was bondage under the roof of my parents, little did I know that I was enjoying, not having to think of what to eat, being provided with clothing, and a roof over my head.


    Honestly, I always thought adults exaggerated how hard it was being an adult until I joined the WhatsApp group 😂, I think they did not scratch the surface or place enough emphasis on how tough adulthood is and how it comes with a lot of day-to-day challenges like managing finances, paying bills, what to eat, balancing social life and career, and making important life-changing decisions, let's not even talk about people like myself who are not fortunate enough to be the Last Borns or single child of the family then you'll not just have your problems to look out for but also take up the responsibility of looking out for your younger siblings who has no business what so ever in knowing if you can afford what they want until they get it.

    As an adult, there is no excuse for failure as you need to take full responsibility for your life and do what is best for you as no one is ready to leave their responsibilities to sort someone else's.


    I can go on and on whining about how hectic being an adult is but cannot deny the fact that experiencing all this not only makes me wonder but also helps me appreciate the fact that our parents give their all to make sure they provide for our basic needs, taking care of myself alone is hard enough talk more about taking care of a family of six(6), the school fees, the light bills, clothing, hospital bills, roof over our heads, being called to or invited to grace several occasions, sorting out family problems of both married couples and I sit back and wonder how do our parents take this all on, how do they focus on their personal life with all this, do they even get a chance to put themselves first above all this responsibility, how do they set their priorities in other to meet up with this day to day challenges and not make us feel like a burden to them, I guess that's what taking up responsibilities and being adults is all about.

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