Worth Living...

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Today was one of those days. A blistering hot weather, the most lectures, school stress, the whole hustle and bustle, a grumbling tummy. How are you supposed to remain sane let alone be happy when the odds seem constantly against you?

    But today which is usually one of my worst days of the week, I was somewhat happy. Yes, there was a lot to do. Yes, it felt like I had too many things to cover and such little time and yes, my tummy was imagining other more blissful things to get sated on than constant chugging of water to combat the scorching heat.

    Yet with all of these, I was happy. And that’s because I’ve been incorporating a few things into my life that while they weren’t absent previously, I was simply negligent of it. But I read through a few of my previous posts recently and saw a lot of things that I’d planned to work on to achieve a positive and even happy day. I hadn’t been doing a lot of them. So it felt like all talk, no action. I decided then that I’d do my best the best way I could. Just a week. And then I’ll see what happens.

    Start On The Right Note!

    I think a lot of us don’t know the importance of starting the day right. Whether it’s by prayer, working out, morning yoga, daily affirmations, or whatever it is that would set us off in the right mood. I noticed how wonderful I usually feel when I not just wake up early, but drink water, pronounce my daily affirmations and a new inclusion – listening to positive messages.

    As a student, and one that’s aiming for sky-high scores, it’s easy for me to lose focus or motivation sometimes. And then I found these Motivation2Study Channel on YouTube and it’s been life-changing. I listen to it while getting in my workout or any other item from my daily routine and it feels just right. Positivity to start up the day. Couldn’t ask for more.

    Proceeding With The Right Note...

    I’m not sure how many people notice it but when you’re aiming to have a positive day, it feels like the heavens listen but other things listen too. So, it looks as if while you’re trying to maintain positivity, issues rear their ugly head that could easily make you fall off that positive note.

    It may seem like too much but spreading positivity is a medium I not only retain my positivity but be happy as well. It’s easy for anyone to ruin your day. But when you ensure that you retain that inner positivity by radiating it with others, it has its way of becoming more long-lasting.

    I had a little fallout with one of my close friends. It was weird because I didn’t know why she was mad at me but the point of it is that she was. I could have tried to avoid it but I noticed the tension eating up at my positivity. It wasn’t easy but we got to talking. Five minutes give or take of us listening to each other and we were back to laughing.

    Whether it’s mending broken fences or a kind word to someone around me. With a genuine smile or a little help rendered, my positivity feels recharged and maintained.

    Ending Off On The Right Note.

    It happens a lot. Your day is happy and filled with positivity till it doesn’t. And most times, it’s at the end of a perfect day that disaster strikes. One of my ideals of happiness is ending on the right note. The day has gone well so far. They’ve been a few hitches but nothing I can’t particularly handle. Maintaining peace and composure all round. But then, it’s almost snatched away.

    I end on the right note by sharing my grievances with people I love and who love me too. I was talking to a loved one. Not ranting, which is something I avoid doing when I can because I can quickly lose my peace. Simply stating the travails of the day to an ear that listens genuinely. No judgement. Just words of comfort and support and a little tips to get through it sprinkled here and there. It feels good. Nature and my loved ones do this to me because they both share a similarity in their result. Peace.

    And what’s happiness when it’s devoid of peace?

    My ideals keep my daily life grounded and keep me grounded and happy for good measure. Not perfect but at least worth living.


    * All images are mine.*

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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