Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Ferocity

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Happy weekend warriors, how are you doing today?
    One of the monsters that is not good for Ferocity rule is a monster with taunt ability. Monsters with taunt ability receive double damage whenever Ferocity is activated.
    Therefore, don't be engrossed with high mana when Ferocity is given.
    I got carried away several times because I was given a mana above 40.

    The last time I made mistakes was the time when I used the kraken in a Ferocity battle. The kraken wasn't able to reach the second round. All the opponent monsters that attacked The kraken do double damage. Kraken was eliminated in a twinkle of an eye.
    Since then, no matter how much mana I'm giving in a battle, I'm always careful to select monsters.
    I was happy to

    Up Close and Personal: only monsters with melee attack may be used in battles.
    Up Close and Personal was the major reason I couldn't use magic monsters. Magic monsters were not available to use; only melee and range attack monsters were available.

    Ferocity: All monsters have the fury ability.
    I understood that using taunt monster could led to my defeat; I was aware of that which made me not to use a monster with taunt ability.

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    Monsters arrangement
    Living Lava

    It was a good opportunity for me to use Living Lava since magic monsters were not available. The shield 🛡️🛡️🛡️ ability of Living Lava was very helpful.
    It took a long time before it was destroyed; and I was able to achieve that due to shield 🛡️🛡️ ability.
    The only monsters that could withstand high attack from melee and range monsters are monsters with shield 🛡️🛡️ ability.

    It took round 4 to eliminate Living Lava. It was really hard to eliminate the monster because of its shield 🛡️🛡️ ability. If I placed any monster without shield ability, it wouldn't have reached level 4 before it would be eliminated.

    Chimney Wallstop🩸🩸🩸
    There were two reasons I selected Chimney Wallstop, they are:
    Reach ability: reach ability monster could attack in second position in this kind of rule. Though, not only this kind of rule but most of the rules in splinterlands. Second position is a natural position from any monster with reach ability.
    Second position is the only position Chimney Wallstop could attack in this battle; aside from second position, it won't attack.
    Bloodlust ability🩸🩸: The ability is wonderful to use. The more Chimney Wallstop was destroying the Opponent's monsters, the more powerful it was. Its melee increased from 5 to 11 at the end of the battle; and its speed increased from 3 to 9 at the end of the battle.
    This Bloodlust ability was the major reason I used it; without this ability, I may not win the battle.

    Dragon Jumper 🐉🐲
    I like to use opportunity monsters whenever Up Close and Personal rule is given for the following reasons;
    Monsters with thorns ability: there were several Up Close and Personal rule battles I encountered in my career with splinterlands, my opponent often used monsters with thorns ability such as a Djinn Chwala was used as a last monster. All my sneak monsters were eliminated by thorns.
    That was how I learned how to use other monsters.

    Eliminate monsters with smallest health: opportunity monsters attack monsters with smallest health.

    In addition, if you have a chance to use more than one opportunity monsters in this battle, I would have used them. They are very good at this kind of rule.

    Kobold Miner
    After I selected the necessary monsters for this battle, I was left with 2 mana; since kobold Miner is a 2 mana monster, that was the reason I used it
    If the Mana was 3, I would have used Serpentine Spy in this battle.

    Gloridax Soldier
    I understand that the most attacking areas in Up Close and Personal rule battles are the front, and behind. The attacking force is always stronger at the back than the front in most of the battles I have encountered.
    This was the reason I placed Gloridax Soldier in the behind to delay the opponent's sneak monsters.

    Gloridax Soldier could not be eliminated in this battle because of the shield 🛡️🛡️🛡️ and flying ability.

    Strength area
    My strength area in this battle was front; that was the position my monsters attacked the most.
    My opponent understood the rule; and that was the reason he used a monster with demoralizing ability. If not because of the strategy I used, he would have won the battle.

    I exhausted all my mana, there was no mana left to select the sixth monster.
    Happy I Love You GIF by pikaole
    Why did I choose Helios Matriarch?
    The summoner allowed me to use Chimney Wallstop, Dragon jumper 🐉🐉🐉 and Gloridax Soldier. All these monsters were very important to this battle. The only way I could used all the monsters mentioned above was to select Helios Matriarch summoner.

    One more monster I needed in this battle was a monster with demoralize ability. If you had the opportunity to use a monster with demoralize ability, I would have reduced the Melee attack of my Opponent's monsters which wouldn't have made it difficult to destroy my monsters.

    Round 5 of the battle.

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    “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
    The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
    Thank you for reading my post.
    Watch out for the next battle challenge
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