Cosmic Creations | Amaterasu

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good Morning on a Tuesday! 🌞
    I hope you're all feeling great today!

    I sure do have a thing for late submissions. Imagine I could have found time to chip in this post all through the day, instead I forgot until now when I'm so tired and can barely get my thoughts right.

    But I worked hard on this piece even though it probably doesn't look that way. There wasvavlot of back and for in trying to execute the concept I had, including alterations. The subject is Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun, is known as the Queen of Heaven and Creation.

    This is what I initially had in mind to do. Amaterasu rising from the mountains to grace the world with light. It w a s a reference to the time the goddess hid in a cave because of a fued with her younger brother Susano. Ultimately she was deceived to come out of the caves and then she later reconciles with Susano. I did want to focus on the gift Susano gave to her in truce. There was a sword, Kusanagi, neck beads and if I recall correctly, he also gave her a mirror. To be honest, I couldn't help but think about Naruto, the anime series. That is because the Uchida clan, their abilities, are deeply connected to Amaterasu mythology ( or rather her parents Izanami and Isanagi) and that was an aspect I was vaguely aware of. This was the reason I choose Japanese mythology so it would be something I can learn from (equals interesting) instead of greek or roman mythology.

    Back to my drawing

    This is my submission

    I have decided not to state some obvious truths which I shall hopefully speak on soon. Instead here's some process shots

    Digital painting on Procreate, 2024

    Till next time, bye!!!

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