The Eid al-Fitr holiday atmosphere is at its peak

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Hiver in CCH Community Lover

    How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


    In this photography content post, I want to tell you about my journey with my family to enjoy the Eid al-Fitr holiday in Pucak. Eid al-Fitr is a day of victory for Muslims throughout the world.

    People celebrate by gathering with their respective families. Well, after gathering with family for two days. People will go on trips to tourist attractions.

    So, for my family and I's holiday this time. I chose the trip to the top together. We just enjoyed the cool air and peace there.

    Even though the place we visited saw a lot of people, we really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Apart from that, we also enjoyed various food menus there. After everything was finished, we returned home.

    OK, that's a brief story about my trip to spend the Eid holiday with my family there. Yes, I hope you like and are entertained by the content I share.



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    Pada postingan konten fotografi saya kali ini ingin menceritakan perjalanan saya bersama keluarga untuk menikmati masa liburan idulfitri di pucak. Hari raya idulfitri merupakan hari kemenangan bagi umat muslim di seluruh dunia.

    Orang-orang merayakan dengan berkumpul dengan keluarga masing-masing. Nah, setelah berkumpul dengan keluarga pada dua hari. Orang-orang akan pergi melakukan perjalanan ke tempat-tempat objek wisata.

    Nah, untuk liburan aku dan keluarga kali ini. Aku memilih perjalanan ke puncak bersama. Kami hanya untuk menikmati udara sejuk dan kedamaian disana.

    Meskipun tempat yang kami kunjungi terlihat banyak orang, akan tetapi disana kami sangat menikmatinya suasananya. Selain itu, kami juga menikmati berbagai menu makanan disana. Setelah semua selesai, kami pun kembali pulang kerumah.

    Baiklah, demikian cerita singkat perjalanan saya untuk mengisi hari liburan idulfitri bersama keluarganya disana. Ya, saya berharap anda menyukai dan terhibur dengan konten yang saya bagikan ini.



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    All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
    Instagram,Facebook, Gurushot, Twitter, my channel youtube


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