in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello beautiful people. A woman's body is a treasure site filled with rare earth elements, pictures don't do enough justice to it.

    Yes, they capture the essence as a still image but with every move, subtle or active, the woman's body becomes fascinating over and over again. That is why every woman treasures their bodies, even those who give it up to earn 500 naira, except for their need, they would not let you have access to it.

    For each woman is a unique blend of the same makeup and materials that is every so slightly adjusted to her. No matter how small the cup is or how merely noticeable the bump is, no matter how "Ugly the valley is or how large the tummy has grown.


    A woman irrespective of her natural combination and build is always attractive. A man who has seen over a million women would still marvel at the sight of woman 1,000,001.

    That is why even king Solomon with all his wives still had eyes for one more. There in lies the quality of satisfaction and contentment. When a man learns to admired his woman everyday because she has something unique, he becomes a man who has conquered the very underlying challenge every man will have to face on the face of the earth.

    There is beauty in consistency of one woman. You memorizer every hair on her skin, every wrinkle, ever crease, the smile on her lips, the glint in her eyes and the subtle expansion of her lens when her love deepens. How her nose widens as she takes a deep breath of satisfaction that she is going to be with one man, she calls it "My man".

    Her lips would be lubricated by her tongue in anticipation, just to taste and see. You see how her areolas expands when she releases her body to you and how her valley gets flooded just by perceiving your scent.

    And then you wake up tomorrow and you feel the same love and attraction.When you want to learn these things about a particular woman, it takes years and years because those things change with time. When she is new to you, everything would seem larger than life, because the things you see in the mirror of your eyes are actually smaller or bigger than they are in real life.

    When you see them when you consummate your intimacy, you will not know them well because there are so many, how can you focus. You will quickly forget what they look like, so tomorrow you will look again.

    And the tomorrow after that you will look again. Then she would get pregnant and another series of changes would come, then childbirth, then another and you keep learning, her body will change, get bigger, her nose will grow bigger, and she will begin to resemble you, so when you see her, you will see yourself.

    10 years gone, you still haven't learnt much. She now becomes your mother. After 30 years, she would become your grandmother mother and mother to others, a mother is different from a wife which is different from a fiance, which is different from a babe.

    After 50 years, you will realize that you only know 10% of her because she will now become young again. The last day of your life, she will be by your side, you will look at her, she will smile at you and you will wonder if you knew her at all.

    Yes, you knew that you knew her, but everyday is a new experience. Then you will smile and that is when you will know the real meaning of the words "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    The moment you are looking at a woman, you see her beauty and it grows, if you blink, you start afresh. A woman is beautiful every second of every minute of every hour of everyday.

    You will then discover that 1 woman is far precious and incomparable to all the precious stones, gold, rare gems in the world put together.

    Just one woman.

    When you take your penultimate breath, then you will realize the truth: A woman's body is not something you learn about, if you were to know about it, you would have been awake when God was fashioning the technology to make her.

    You will need another 1000 years to learn more about a woman.


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