My New Neighbour

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Photo by Pablo de Haro

    "E no go better for NEPA (It won't be well with NEPA)" I cussed at that authority in charge of power in my country after realising that my power bank was drained, and my gadgets were on the brink of blackout. It's clearly been days since I saw power last.

    I got up from bed, picked up my gadgets and I made my way out of my apartment. I was going to pay for my gadgets to be charged at the store down the road. As I got outside I met Joseph, our apartment keeper at his duty post.

    "Oga Marriott good afternoon o" he greeted in his usual manner with smiles that revealed his teeth which were like God gave him excess of it.

    "Good afternoon my guy. How you dey na? (How are you?)" I asked, smiling back at him.

    "Apart from hunger, your boy dey loyal (I'm fine )" he replied with a little bit of sarcasm.

    "No wahala (no problem). Let me give this stuffs to be charged when I'm back. I'll help you with the hunger" I replied. I know Joseph to be a foodie.

    "But aunty Janet on light na (But aunty Janet generator is on)" Joseph said pointing to the be neighbours apartment.

    I turned and stared at the light bulb in the new neighbours apartment which had power on it. I shrugged my shoulders "I don't want to disturb anybody"

    "Okay na. Go plug for outside I dey wait for my food ( Go and charge outside, I'll be waiting for my food)" he reminded me of my promise to him again.

    I laughed and pushed the gate open to leave.

    Unfortunately, the store wasn't open for the day's job. Words from their neighbour was that they had travelled for the weekend to their hometown. I cussed even more. My only option now was Janet, my new neighbour.

    So I summoned courage to my new neighbour's apartment, where the loud hum of her generator was still echoing. This was something I haven't done and hate to do. I knocked and the door opened to reveal a beautiful lady in her mid twenties.

    "Hey, um, I'm so sorry to bother you, but could I maybe charge my gadgets for a bit? I'm in a bit of a jam," I stammered, my nerves tingling.

    I watched as she first gave me a sceptical look from the gadgets in my hands to my feets and back to my face, her eyes narrowed. "You want to charge?" She asked like she didn't hear me at first.

    "Yes please. I tried the store down the street but they aren't open. So I thought I should disturb you a little". I replied, trying to sound friendly with a cheeky smile.

    "Nah, sorry o, I can't do that." She said after a few seconds of silence, "My boyfriend's coming over, and I won't like people disturbing us," she said, shrugging.

    I blinked in disbelief, unsure of what to say. "Really? But it's just for a little while, I really need it," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

    But she didn't budge.

    "Not even the power bank. I can pick it up tomorrow"

    "I'm sorry."

    I turned to leave.

    "Okay power bank. Just cause it's your first time o. Next time I won't entertain it," she offered, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

    Feeling a mix of frustration and pain, I declined her offer, mumbling my thanks as I turned to leave. "Thanks but I'll pass. I'll find somewhere else to charge" I muttered, trudging back to my own apartment.

    Fast forward to a few weeks later. As I relaxed in my room trying to get some sleep, the voices outside couldn't let me. I strained trying to listen and understand what the fracas was all about, I realised it was Janet and her generator mechanic wrestling with her broken-down machine at that late hour.

    I guess after a series of failed attempts to get the generator working, they gave up. Then the commotion gradually faded into silence. Just as I was about to fize off, a soft knock came at my door. With a sigh, I swung it open, thinking it was Joseph with his problems again. But on the other side was Janet standing there, clutching her phone and cable.

    "What's up?" I asked, puzzled by her unexpected visit whilst rubbing my eye.

    "Hey neighbour" she said with a friendly smile while trying to touch my bare chest.

    I pulled back a little. I was going to fall for the act, I knew there was something up her sleeves.

    "How can I help you? Speak up, It's late and I have a busy day tomorrow" I asked keeping a mean face

    She quickly comported herself, probably discovering that her trick wasn't going to work on me. Now with a calm demeanour, Janet explained her predicament. Her phone was dead, her generator broke down, and she needed to really reach her boyfriend urgently.

    I gave a wicked smirk as she let out her problems that night. "So, what do you want? You still have not made sense"

    She hesitated, then asked, "Can I borrow your power bank just to give my phone a little juice? It's really important. Please neighbour" trying to touch my chest again.

    I swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words. "Sorry Janet, I wish I could but the thing is, my girlfriend's actually using the power bank to charge her phone. I don't want to disturb her," I lied knowing fully well I was home alone, heart pounding with guilt.

    "It won't take long o. Just a few minutes let me just let him know my phone battery is dead" she added giving a baby face.

    "So sorry. I can't displease my girl to please you. Goodnight" I replied, slamming my door shut.

    Well, I guess Janet didn't like the taste of your own medicine. Because, till today she despises me more than the devil. And I guess she got her boyfriend to join the party. Which by the way, I don't care.

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