Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1211)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    A cold and windy day, Getting some downtime, Winning the morale game, Another freeze & Bob the rooster gets in an awkward position!

    Alright, the time changed today... so I am still on time... but it is technically an hour later than when I have been beginning my writing routine. I have to yet again reiterate how absolutely stupid changing the time not once but twice a year is... and how horrible it is to disrupt folks routines with such nonsense!

    Last night I was up a bit later than when I have been falling asleep lately... but that was because I let myself get caught up in watching some science fiction movies. The movies had a bit more gore to them than what I usually watch these days... and I had some rather twisted dreams afterwards as a result... which just reaffirmed why I seldom watch that kind of stuff anymore.

    I also wound up sleeping in quite late (but maybe not as late as I thought because I had forgotten about the time change) and when I went outdoors I immediately shrugged off the idea of doing anything today. To clarify why that was... it was much chillier than it has been lately... and the wind was gusting like crazy to boot... which yeah was all the 'excuse' that I needed to take the day off.

    Seriously though, I was feeling really wiped out and considering that I have been pushing myself rather hard... I decided that a day just zoning out, taking naps and taking a break was in order. I even did my best to curb my constant obsessing over getting everything packed down... what it will take to do the move itself... and pretty much everything to do with the new place.

    Honestly, it was really nice to just take a step back from everything... and disrupt some of the mental loops that my thinking has been stuck in over the last few weeks. I mean it is good to be thinking things through to the extent that I have been... but at the same time all the anxiety, stress and concern... gets more than a little nauseating to say the least.

    A big part of it all is that (as I have mentioned numerous times before) I just know that I am not in the kind of mental, emotional or physical shape that I need to be in to 'start from scratch' at a new place. I have of course made some massive strides to get myself 'into shape' over the last many weeks and months... but deep down I know that I am not where I need to be with it all.

    At least my morale has been improving, but it (the improvement) is such a fickle thing that I know it could easily evaporate before I can get it to solidify into something less ethereal and more substantial. The catch twenty-two with it all is that I know that most of that has to do with being in the scenario that I am currently in... and it will not truly improve until I leave... but simultaneously I want to be in a better headspace before I move!

    Anyways, since the weather took a dive today... and tonight it is going to freeze again... I went ahead and drained the water system late today. I had been considering getting a bath beforehand (because my back is a bit tweaked) but the way that the wind was blowing... I just did not have it in me to fool with it all.

    I also hauled the trash can out to the curbside again... and although it is not quite as full as it has been the last few weeks... it was mostly full... so that is one more load that I can bid 'bon voyage' to. That strategy for getting rid of stuff has been going rather well... but honestly I do wish that it was not due to the vermin having destroyed stuff... or needing to dispose of their nests making it all necessary.

    On a different note, just before sunset I went to close up the chicken coop (and drop the tarp and blanket to protect the chickens from frostbite) when I noticed what I at first thought was Bob the rooster being dead. I dunno how he managed to do it... but the poor fella had fallen between two of the sticks that make up the perches (in the coop) and his head was at an odd angle, one leg was sprawled over one of the sticks... and he was not moving at all.

    For a moment I was really upset seeing him like that... but then he blinked and I scrambled to get him free of the predicament he was in. All that I did was lift the 'sprawled' leg up and over the stick... and let him fall through between the two sticks to the coop floor below where amazingly he landed on his feet at with a ruffle of feathers.

    The big lesson that I learned there... is that in the future I should not put the sticks used to create the perches so close to each other... but honestly I never considered that before seeing him hung up like that. I think that he is just getting old and fat... but tomorrow I am going to catch him and look him over to see if I can see anything wrong with him.

    Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and does not have their circadian rhythms distorted overly much by the lame ass time change! Ta ta for now.

    The Carolina Jasmine has been blooming like crazy!

    Thanks for reading!

    Please check out the Homesteading Community!

    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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