My Actifit Report Card: January 28 2025

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Ahoj. Dneska u nás celý den pršelo, proto jsem šel s Dantíkem dopoledne (mám ho dopoledne na starost🙂) jenom na louku tady na sídlišti.
    Odpoledne jsem jel s Cesmínou na trénink agility do haly.

    ...(Translated by DeepL)...
    Hi. It rained all day today, so I went with Dantyk in the morning (I'm in charge of him in the morning🙂) only to the meadow here on the estate.
    In the afternoon I went with Cesmina to the agility training in the hall.

    Venku s Dantíkem občas něco trénujeme, např. obíhání stromů nebo proplétání mezi nohama.

    Outside, Dandy and I sometimes practice something, like going around trees or weaving between our legs.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity

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