Painting of the Female "Ocean Healer" - Design inspired by Holozing | Fanart

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello friends of Hive ♥️ I welcome to my blog to all who visit me on this occasion and especially to those who make life in this community. This time I want to share with you a new painting I made inspired by one of the healing characters of the game, the female version of the ocean healer, but... with some changes 😁. At first my idea was to paint her with the original design but after remembering one of my favorite anime where their similarity is quite similar, I decided to make her but in a more animated version, changing her hair and serious gestures to a more friendly and cheerful, otherwise I decided to keep her clothes and characteristic blue color that represents the ocean. With this painting I feel that I learned to master more the technique of lights and shadows, something that I like to admire a lot in the drawings that do not make them look flat and real. Now I will show you the whole creative process of this painting design hoping you like it.


    • Cardboard square
    • Healer Drawing Guide (Ocean Female)
    • Acrylic paints (Blue, beige, pink, white, black, frosted)
    • Brushes

    To begin with, this base is optional and as I am still in learning mode I wanted to repeat the cardboard material to draw on it, a comfortable material that allows me to explore this color combination. Once the base is chosen, I start tracing the design, the reference image is shared at the end of this post, and after that I start painting.

    The blue tones I used for this drawing I liked a lot, although it didn't have that vibrant blue of the original design, I really liked how it looked with the combination of colors I chose between sky blue, turquoise and navy blue, with them I applied color in the hair above all, his suit and his eyes...and his insignia or logo that represents his element. As I told you before, I like the technique of light and shadow, and in an anime design this should be even more noticeable, and to achieve this effect I helped me a lot with water... literally 😅. Combining the paints with a part of water to change their consistency to more fluid helps to combine and create the tones easier in one area, for example for the skin I combined a beige, pink and white tone, thus achieving that blushed effect in her face and neck as well as in her hands, and this also applies for the hair and the rest of accessories.

    The detail of the insignia of the element that holds it with her hands is what I like the most, as well as letting her hair grow and placing kites of seashells, pearls and stars that she uses in her headband of the original design, although without a doubt that mixture of blue tones in her eyes enchants anyone, and if it comes included with a wink more you want to choose it and lean you towards this element. For the background I simply let my imagination flow by making small touches with the brush all around the healer with all the blue tones I used in the painting, and as I could not miss, I added as a final touch a lot of glitter in the areas I wanted to highlight, like her hair, and basically all the blue parts of this beautiful character.

    And this is how our finished project would look like...a very nice design inspired by the female "healer of the ocean" of Holozing...I hope you liked my tutorial showing you the whole creative process so that if you want you can make one yourself too, with love I say goodbye and will be until next time!💕

    • All content is my own and images are my property

    • Camera: Redmi note 10s

    • I use an LED light ring as a base for my phone to take pictures of myself

    Editing and Separator
    App PicMonkey - App Picsart - App Canva


    Reference image

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