Introduction - Meet Kristhel and My New Journey

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello! I'm kristhel Francisco, I'm new here at hive blog.
    I'm not good in English nor in writing but I will try my best. Thank you for @suteru who introduce me in hiveblog. I hope this platform will help me, help me to improve my English ang writing. I really appreciate if you correct my spelling.

    I use to work 8-10hrs/day for almost 6 years, as a warehouse clerk(back office) I did a lot of duties in my previous work. From checking the incoming and outgoing item, store in the area, checking if the documents is correct and a lot more. When I still single back then, I make sure that every other month I go somewhere else, that can refresh my entire soul. I stop working after giving birth to my son, I need to make sure that he'll be taken care of. Now he's turning 4 years old, I want to make sure that he remembers that where always together maybe he can't remember the places of those visited places but I really know he remember that we are together.


    I love side hustle. I'm selling goods or anything that I can sell to earn extra money and I love money. Money can buy my happiness. I love cleaning the house. I love cooking specially baking mini donuts. I also sell mini donuts. I also love to travel here in the Philippines, the beaches here is so amazing. Beaches can retain my peace, beaches can calm me, every time I'm in the beach I felt that I regain my strengths. I want to explore more with my son.



    I love to watch movies, fantacy, sci-fi, action, k-drama except horror movies, it just when time to sleep everytime I close my eyes I saw the scary ghost or creepy face. I love playing in my mobile phone. I can do all my hobbies of my son I sleep already.

    I WANT
    I want to learn how to paint, crocket, woodworks, digital art, underwater diving and many more I want to learned more. In the meantime need to hustle more so I can do many things in live.

    This my son, my happiness and strength everyday.

    Thank you so much @suteru for introducing hiveblog.

    Again, I'm kristhel Francisco. Thank you for reading my induction.

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