Expressionism - Cuff Lnks

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Published at Angie's Diary

    Cuff Links

    They were Huckleberry Hound cuff links, one of my favorite cartoon characters.
    I wore them to church one Sunday.
    My parents were in the regular church service,
    but I was in Sunday School, that's what they called it then, probably still do.
    I never liked that class, they taught us about Jesus,
    we made pictures with paste and colored paper to show something
    from our Bible lesson.
    I always got the paste on my dress pants.
    I would look down at my pants and think: again? Not again? Every time.

    Somehow my Huckleberry Hound cuff links came off my shirt cuffs.
    Maybe they fell off, became unhooked.
    After a while the Sunday School teacher announced someone had lost
    their cuff links.
    She held them up for all the boys and girls in class to see.
    She said if one of us could identify what type of cuff links they were
    she would know they belonged to that person.
    I looked at my shirt cuffs and realized they were mine.
    “They're Huckleberry Hound cuff links,” I said.
    And all the kids who heard me started saying the same thing.
    “They're Huckleberry Hound cuff links,” they all said.
    The teacher never gave them to me, she gave them to some other boy.
    I said “Those are my cuff links.”
    The other kids repeated “Those are my cuff links,” and laughed.

    After class I told my parents about the cuff links.
    They went to speak with the minister about getting them back.
    Later we drove home.
    I didn't get my cuff links back.
    When my folks asked the minister
    he said the boy who had taken them belonged to
    a respected family in the community and
    he didn't think it would be a good idea to upset them with
    the news of the theft.

    After awhile we didn't go to church anymore. On Sundays we'd
    go for a drive instead. I liked that a lot better,
    and also liked not getting that paste on my pants.

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