Huge Grain Run, Fog, Strawberries, Rushed Mowing, Injuries, Planning, The Deluge, Fire, Grilling - Sunday

in voilk •  last month

    Being Sunday I wasn't in a rush yesterday morning to head to town. It was about 5:30am when I got on the road. It was a dense slug of fog that had settled in the river valley after the rain but I soon drove up out of it into the rising sun.


    I got to the brewery to find 5.5 barrels of grain waiting for me which I got right to piling into the trailer.


    The barrels all fit, barely. I have to mound it rather high but it all fits.


    The remaining clouds that were all floating around made for a nifty view on my way home.


    As I dropped down into our river valley again it was still foggy but soon would be burned off.


    I backed the trailer into the sheep pen right away and shoveled the entire thing out into a big pile around an old stump.


    The steam from the grain mingled with the remaining fog floating in the trees to make a cool view.


    I got my post done and was out in the garden again searching for more strawberry plants, of which I found a few more that got put into one of the pots in the greenhouse.


    It was imperative that I got the mowing done as we had a huge mass of rain heading our way later in the day. At some point I had yanked the ground from the on/off switch so I had to touch the wire to the bolt to turn it off. I did the quick repair and installed the new terminal lug on.


    Then I got to mowing. First was the paths.


    Then between the tool shed and coop. A had made 3 passes on the left side by the garden when I suddenly stepped on a hawthorne thorn that went through my shoe and into my big toe. I caught it before I stepped all the way down but it still punctured my tow a bit. The whole thorn came out thankfully but it still hurts a bit this morning. I ended up inside for a minute checking to make sure it wasn't worse.


    Then I mowed around the pole garden and coop along the driveway. It is rather sparse so it is a bit of a pain to have to mow through but it looks better when all cut the same.


    The area between the gate and the pole garden was next which the boys were raking some of the cut grass and tossing it into the sheep pen.


    I was done for a bit as I needed a rest and some food and was pushing the mower along the other side of the driveway mowing and a rock got picked up and flung at super high speed at my shin. It bled instantly and I made my way to the house to bandage myself up. It's still pretty sore but mainly from the larger impact area and not just the cut.


    Back out on the mower I headed out to the road to cut back both sides. I make sure to keep it trimmed so there is less chance of someone tossing something that could start a fire. Plus it looks nicer when driving in.


    Then I was back mowing around studio A and along the driveway which also has some sparser areas.


    The last area I got mowed was around the hot tub and between the house and the studio around the play area. It began to sprinkle as I finished it up. There was just an area below the potato garden that I missed.


    As it began to rain I got our 3 tiki torch bottles filled and set back in the holders. The mosquitoes are insane this year so we need everything we can to keep them at bay.


    This was why the rush to mow...


    Talked to Art about our coming boat/climbing trip and it got me thinking about the type of rock it is. I have the Practical Geology series so I watched the episode about igneous rocks.


    It was dumping rain all afternoon but I still had to get a fire going in the pit for grilling our burgers. I made sure to get it going really well to help it combat the wet falling on it.


    The rain only got harder as the evening progressed.


    While I grilled our burgers @stryeyz grilled the veggies on the Blackstone.


    Thankfully I have the carport to stand under while it rains.


    Hawaiian-ish style burgers are super tasty.


    Got out to soak and the boys even decided to join for a bit.


    It rained all night long and we have over 3/4" so far with it still raining and when it passes it will get pretty windy. I have a chiro appointment this morning which I REALLY need, boys have school, when the rain stops I will be out weeding in the gardens, I should stop at North40 for some things, and if I do I will have parts to finish the gas line for the Blackstone, then I will come up with something for dinner this evening.

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