From the day i joined spendhbd community in hive , it begins to widen my knowledge in such a way i can shop on line buy and pay through hive keychain and so on, because of that knowledge i got i have been leting people around me to know about it and it's important.
On a very good day i have to inform my master in my working place about hive platform and there communities with there working patterns , he was very interested to join the move i have to explain to him brief about it
On Monday 27 of January , i have to inform @fokusnow about coming with a newbi so we took off on Monday to his office so reaching there he was around , so he welcome us and attain to the newbi and elaborate more on what i briefly explain to the newbi so he decided to join
So after that we have to go for shopping 🛒 in God's own supermarket we bought several stuff such as the image seen above And some other things which are not shown it was a very very wonderful day .