Review Xmen97 [ENG/ESP]

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Hello very good to all lovers of anime and comics, the truth is that the series has come out which is a continuation of the previous cartoon of the xmen, I add that at the beginning I had serious doubts about how they would animate it, because we are talking about Disney and its polemics of censorship or porliticas woke.

    Even so I let myself be carried away by curiosity about how the series would be and so I started watching it.



    A remarkable point is that they kept the classic TV opening that was seen in the previous series, with some tweaks of characters that replace others, but hearing that iconic melody simply makes your skin crawl.

    Now breaking down the plot, this new series is based on the fact that Professor Charles Xavier is dead and as long as there is discrimination against the mutant race by people, there will always be conflicts.

    Clearly when Magneto came to claim the Xmen's mansion (as if it were a widow claiming inheritance), I felt a bad taste in my mouth, because it was shaping the series towards a kind of Mexican soap opera.

    I should clarify that in Charles Xavier's will, Magneto gets to keep everything, with the argument that (if I keep my enemy busy with good things, he will become a good guy).

    From a certain angle this seemed to me quite absurd, I mean if the theme had been like in the (Megamente movie), that because he lost his nemesis he feels bored of his existence and wants to try something different, there would be no complaints, but out of nowhere this change of side from (evil genocidal leader drunk with power who despises the human race to now I am a hero who saves people and leader of the xmen...certainly didn't convince me).

    Obviously one in his imagination promotes the plot, that is (that everything is a false plan of Magneto to keep everything and rule the world), but well, that's left to the imagination to feed the idea that it can happen in future episodes.


    A controversial point in social networks was that after the images of the first episode were leaked, people almost burned the internet because Rogue's physical attributes were diminished...something that is characteristic of the mutant girl being a sex safir character that flirts with men.

    The most logical thing is that being Disney they limited the exposure to sexualization, so they reduced Rouge's bust and ass for the sake of the children.

    In context, as I watched the weekly episodes, we got into controversy on social networks, some debates on facebook, others on telegram, but each one with a point in favor or against the series.

    In my case, when I saw the Master Mold episode in the desert, I questioned the action scenes a lot, I mean, (on the one hand the xmen justify it by saying: we already defeated Sentinel Ents, so it's not a big deal), so it feels like each hero highlights his skills in combat and easily defeats the metal giants.

    My radar started to beeping when I noticed that there was no danger plot, that is, no one would get hurt, or at least one character would be unconscious and Beast would have to put us in suspense that he would survive the I started to notice the absence of visual violence.

    I know this is not the Invincible series, but I felt that they wasted a lot of the wolverine factor, I mean, the least you expect is that they hurt him against the giant robots and he regenerates some part of his body like skin or muscles...but that battle against the master mold seemed like a picnic without anyone getting hurt.

    clearly as the episodes progressed it had a lot of exeptisism factor, polemics in networks that by the dismissal of the showrunner Beau DeMayo from the same series for not accepting the laws of political correctness of disney "woke" among other factors that made you lose faith with what was on tv and that this would improve.

    They were already putting "woke movement" in the series, that the morph character (who is the one who transforms like a chameleon into any known character), was now gender fluid and that he was sexually attracted to wolverine, started as rumors and then in the series is confirmed.


    In a certain event, they explain that Jean Grey married Cyclops and that they fathered a child, giving the plot twist that she was actually a clone and that she was manufactured by Mr. Sinestro, so in that "plot awakening" things advanced a little in favor of the series and its action.

    Unfortunately, instead of making an epic confrontation between the Xmen against Jean's clone controlled by Sinestro (called Madelyne Pryor), the situation became simplistic by simply putting a psychic memory between the real Jean and the clone.
    And yes we know that the birth of Scoth's child is an event to awaken her from Sinestro's control, but I felt that the fight was wasted by stopping it too quickly in the middle of the climax.

    I understand that it's a short series of 8 or 10 episodes, but by not giving space to battles, suspense and the denouement of events, it feels like a quick two cat fight on your roof.

    At this point I felt that the series was very Disney Mode like Need Flanders from the simpsons, with little violence, 0 sexuality and little time to animate good fights, so I was already a bit disappointed with the result.

    In another episode they explain that Magneto and Rogue are actually lovers, that they have always been and have been since long before she was an xmen.
    It was here when it literally made me flip the table with a reaction shot.


    In other words, in this new version, they explain that Magneto can never be affected by Rogue's physical touch, and that being the first human she could touch, he deflowered her and made her his lover as soon as she awakened her powers in her adolescence.

    I must say that it gave me a bad taste in my mouth to see this on screen, because during the previous classic series the dilemma is that (she had never loved and could not touch anyone without killing him, so she was desperate to love, which made the relationship between Gambit and her iconic ... and the emotional state of Rogue by the loneliness of having those powers without physical human contact with another being).

    Something that happens to be contradictory because in the classic series in more than one occasion Rouge touched Magneto and took his powers, so putting this plot twist out of nowhere, simply makes people go into denial with what they saw in the classic series.


    Clearly when analyzing the other episode, where the united nations accepted the mutant country of genosha was that I understood something, this was done by the scriptwriter because he was going to kill magneto (so the plot of falling in love and deflowering Rogue is simply as a personal achievement of having intercourse with her). I'm not saying that there is some comic book with an alternate and parallel future where that happened and that there is a child of both, but putting this twist to the classic series feels very forced and out of place.

    At this point in the episode an invasion of sentinel robots along with a colossal robot attack the nation of Genosha, wiping out every mutant it inhabits. Logically the confrontation between this colossal giant and Magneto resulted in the death of the arch-villain (something that doesn't even surprise me), although without a doubt the most emotional moment was when Gambit sacrifices himself to self-destruct the giant and die in the act at the hands of his beloved Rouge.

    This point in the series, specifically this episode was what gave a twist to what was expected, leaving aside the battles (where everyone wins easily without any injuries) to the good stuff, there are epic moments and casualties in the ranks of the xmen.

    Clearly there is a mix of emotions intertwined, between starting the series very regular without any adrenaline and real finally there is violence and moments of desperation.

    Maybe when the series progresses and more seasons are released, we will be able to give a complete opinion of the show (and praying that Disney doesn't force a Woke movement into the show), because the fear is that everything seen will be ruined by leaving iconic characters with an abrupt change of sexuality.

    We can only hope that the series flows and adapts as faithfully as possible to its comic book version and that they do not desecrate the work offending millions of fans around the world.

    And you, what do you think about this continuation of the xmen?

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    Hola muy buenas a todos los amantes del anime y de los comics, la verdad pues ha salido la serie que es continuacion de el anterior cartoon de los xmen, añado que al comienzo tenia serias dudas de como lo animarian, pues estamos hablando de Disney y sus polemicas de censura o porliticas woke.

    Aun asi me deje llevar por la curiosidad como seria la serie y pues empece a verla.



    Un punto destacable es que mantubieron el opening clasico de tv que se vio en la anterior serie, con algunos retoques de personajes que reemplazan a otros, pero oir esa iconica melodia simplemente hace que se te erice la piel.

    Ya entrando a desglosar la trama esta nueva serie parte del hecho de que el profesor Charles Xavier a muerto y pues mientras exista discriminación a la raza mutante por parte de la gente, siempre existirán conflictos.

    Claramente cuando Magneto llego a reclamar la mansión de los xmen (como si se tratase de una viuda reclamando herencia), senti un mal sabor de boca, pues perfilaba la serie hacia una especie de telenovela mexicana.

    Aclaro que en el testamento de charles xavier esta que Magneto se quede con todo, con el prestesto argumental de que (si mantengo a mi enemigo ocupado con cosas buenas, él se volvera un chico bueno).

    Desde cierto angulo esto me parecio bastante absurdo, es decir si la tematica hubiese sido como en la (pelicula de Megamente), que por que perdio a su nemesis se siente aburrido de su existencia y quiere probar algo distinto, no habria quejas, pero de la nada asi ese cambio de bando de (malvado genocida lider ebrio de poder que desprecia a la raza humana a ahora soy un heroe que salva la gente y lider de los xmen...ciertamente no me convemcio).

    Obviamente uno en su imaginacion promieve el complot, es decir (que todo es un plan falso de Magneto para quedarse con todo y regir el mundo), pero bueno, eso se deja a la imaginacion para alimentar la idea de que pueda ocurrir en proximos episodios.


    Un punto polemico en redes sociales fue que trans filtrarse las imagenes del primer episodio, la gente casi hace arder el internet porque a Rogue le disminuyeron atributos fisicos...cosa que es caracteristica de la chica mutante al ser un personaje sex safir que coquetea con los hombres.

    Lo mas logico es que al ser Disney limitaron la expocision a la sexualizacion, asi que a Rouge le disminuyeron busto y trasero por el bien de los niños.

    Entrado en contexto a medida que consumía los episodios semanales, entrabamos en polémica por redes sociales, algunos debates por facebook, otros por telegram, pero cada quien con un punto a favor o en contra de la serie.

    En mi caso cuando vi el episodio de Molde maestro en el desierto, me cuestione bastante las escenas de accion, es decir, (por un lado los xmen justifican diciendo: ya hemos derrotado a centinelas entes, asi que no es la gran cosa), por ello se siente que cada heroe resalta sus habilidades en combate y vence muy facilmente a la orda de gigantes de metal.

    Mi radar empezo a sonal al notar que no habia trama de riesgo, es decir, nadie saldria herido, o al menos un personaje quede inconciente y bestia deba ponernos en suspenso de que sobreviva a la ciruguia..asi que empece a notar la ausencia de violencia visual.

    Se que esto no es la serie de Invencible, pero senti que desaprovecharon muchisimo el factor de wolverine, osea, lo minimo que se espera es que lo lastimen contra los robots gigantes y este regenere alguna parte de su cuerpo como piel o musculos...pero esa batalla contra molde maestro parecia un picnic sin que nadie saliera lastimado.

    claramente a medida que avanzaban los episodios tenia bastante factor de exeptisismo, polemicas en redes de que desperian cal reador del showrunner Beau DeMayo de la mismisima serie por no aceptar las leyes de correcion politica disney entre otros factores que hacian perder la fe con lo que saliera en tv y que esto mejoraría.


    Ya estaban metiendo movimiento woke en la serie, que el personaje morfo (que es quien se transforma como un camaleon en cualquier personaje conocido), ahora era de genero fluido y que este estaba sexualmente atraido por wolverine, empezaron como rumores y luego en la serie se confirma.


    En determinado evento, explican que Jean Grey que se caso con cíclope y que tubo un hijo de este, ella en realidad se trataba de un clon fabricada por siniestro, asi que en ese "despertar de trama" las cosas avanzaron un poco a favor de la serie y de su acción.

    Lastimosamente en ves de hacer un enfrentamiento epico entre los xmen contra el clon de Jean que controlaba siniestro (llamada Madelyne Pryor), la situacion de volvio simplona al simplemente meterle un recuerdo psiquico entre la verdadera Jean al clon.
    Y si sabemos que el nacimiento del hijo de Scoth es un evento para despertarla del control de Siniestro, pero senti que la pelea se desaprovecho al frenarla muy rápidamente en medio del climax.

    Comprendo ques una serie corta de 8 o 10 episodios, pero al no dar espacio a las batallas, al suspenso y al desenlace de eventos, se siente como una pelea rapida de dos gatos encima de tu techo.

    llegados al punto senti que la serie estaba muy Modo Disney a lo Need Flanders de los simpson, con poca violencia, 0 sexualidad y poco tiempo para animar buenas peleas, asi que ya estaba algo desilucionado del resultado.

    En otro episodio explican que en realidad Magneto y Rogue son amantes, que siempre lo han sido y desde mucho antes de que esta fuera un xmen.
    Fue aqui cuando literalmente me hizo voltear la mesa con un disparo de reaccion.


    Es decir en esta nueva version, esplican que Magneto nunca puede ser afectado por el toque fisico de Rogue, y que al ser el primer humano que ella pudo tocar, este la desfloro y la volvió su amante apenas ella despertó sus poderes en su adolescencia.

    Cabe decir que me dio un mal sabor de boca ver esto en pantalla, pues durante la anterior serie clásica el dilema es que (ella nunca habia amado y no podia tocar a nadie sin matarlo, por eso estaba desesperada por amar, cosa que volvia iconica la relacion entre Gambito y ella...y el estado emocional de Rogue por la soledad de tener esos poderes sin contacto humano fisico hacia otro ser.)

    Algo que pasa a ser contradictorio pues el la serie clasica en mas de una ocacion Rouge toco a Magneto y tomo sus poderes, asi que meter este giro argumental de la nada, simplemente hace entrar a la gente en negación con lo visto en su serie clásica.


    Claramente al analizar el otro episodio, donde las naciones unidas acepto al pais mutante de genosha fue que comprendi algo, esto lo hizo el guionista porque iba a matar a magneto (asi que la trama de enamorar y desflorar a Rogue es simplemente como un logro personal de tener coito con ella). Ojo no digo que exista algun comic con un futuro alterno y paralelo donde eso ocurrio y que existe un hijo de ambos, pero meter este giro a la serie clasica se siente alfo muy forzado y fuera de lugar.

    En este punto del episodio una invasion de robots sentinelas junto con un colosal robot atacan la nacion de genosha, arrazando con cuanta mutante habite. Logicamente el enfrentamiento entre este colosal gigante y Magneto resulto en la muerte del archivillano. (cosa que ni me sorprende), aunque sin lugar a duda el momento mas emotivo fue cuando gambito se sacrifica para autodestruir al gigante y morir en el acto a manos de su querida Rouge.

    Este punto de la serie, especificamente este episodio fue lo que le dio un giro a lo que se estaba esperando, dejar aun lado las batallas (donde todos ganan facilmente sin nungun herido) a ya empezo loo bueno, hay momento epico y bajas en las filas de los xmen.

    Claramente hay una mezcla de emociones entrelazadas, entre empezo la serie muy regular sin nada de adrenalina y riesgo real...a por fin hay violencia y momentos de desesperacion.

    Puede que cuando avance mas la serie y se saquen mas temporadas se pueda dar una opinion total de la obra. (eso y rezando porque Disney no meta a fuerza movimiento Woke en la obra ), pues el temor es que se arruine todo lo visto por dejar a personajes iconicos con un cambio abrupto de sexualidad.

    Solo queda esperar a que la serie fluya y se adapte lo mas fiel posible a su version comic y que no profanen la obra ofendiendo a millones de fans a nivel del mundo.

    ¿ y tu, que te ha parecido esta continuación de los xmen?





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