Wednesday Walk - Spring Flowers

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The spring flowers are out for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

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    There is a nice lilac park in a suburb nearby that we like to visit. We were hoping to see lilacs blooming but it is still too early.

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    Fortunately there were a bunch of tulips blooming instead.

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    At first I thought the lilacs were blooming because I could smell the hyacinth. Once you get close to them you can tell they are something different in smell compared to lilacs.

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    My kid is walking quite well now and she even got some running time in. I thought she would rush to pick a tulip.

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    Instead of the bright flowers she was focused on something different. A tiny pine cone. Who cares about those bright colory flowers when there is a tiny pine cone to be had.

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    There were quite a few different bright colors out like this red orange tulip.

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    These guys were just opening, hopefully next week I can back to see them in peak condition.

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    Whites, purples and reds were mixed here.

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    The daffodils were mixed with a few tulips here. I'm not sure if this area was just an untended area with cross pollination of random flowers as it was just an embankment on the edge of the park.

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    Daffodils are in peak bloom now. Perhaps by next week the lilacs will be blooming and this whole place will smell amazing.

    That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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